Son CV dans un terminal web en Javascript!
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

178 lines
4.4 KiB

// @flow strict-local
import type {AST, MutableAsset, TransformerResult} from '@parcel/types';
import {hashString} from '@parcel/hash';
import type {PostHTMLNode} from 'posthtml';
import PostHTML from 'posthtml';
const SCRIPT_TYPES = {
'application/javascript': 'js',
'text/javascript': 'js',
'application/json': false,
'application/ld+json': 'jsonld',
'text/html': false,
module: 'js',
interface ExtractInlineAssetsResult {
hasScripts: boolean;
assets: Array<TransformerResult>;
export default function extractInlineAssets(
asset: MutableAsset,
ast: AST,
): ExtractInlineAssetsResult {
let program: PostHTMLNode = ast.program;
let key = 0;
// Extract inline <script> and <style> tags for processing.
let parts: Array<TransformerResult> = [];
let hasScripts = false;
PostHTML(), (node: PostHTMLNode) => {
let parcelKey = hashString(`${}:${key++}`);
if (node.tag === 'script' || node.tag === 'style') {
let value = node.content && node.content.join('');
if (value != null) {
let type, env;
if (node.tag === 'style') {
if (node.attrs && node.attrs.type != null) {
type = node.attrs.type.split('/')[1];
} else {
type = 'css';
} else if (node.attrs && node.attrs.type != null) {
// Skip JSON
if (SCRIPT_TYPES[node.attrs.type] === false) {
return node;
if (SCRIPT_TYPES[node.attrs.type]) {
type = SCRIPT_TYPES[node.attrs.type];
} else {
type = node.attrs.type.split('/')[1];
let outputFormat = 'global';
let sourceType = 'script';
if (node.attrs.type === 'module') {
if (
asset.env.shouldScopeHoist &&
asset.env.supports('esmodules', true)
) {
outputFormat = 'esmodule';
} else {
delete node.attrs.type;
sourceType = 'module';
let loc = node.location
? {
filePath: asset.filePath,
start: node.location.start,
end: node.location.end,
: undefined;
env = {
} else {
let loc = node.location
? {
filePath: asset.filePath,
start: node.location.start,
end: node.location.end,
: undefined;
type = 'js';
env = {
sourceType: 'script',
if (!type) {
return node;
if (!node.attrs) {
node.attrs = {};
// allow a script/style tag to declare its key
if (node.attrs['data-parcel-key']) {
parcelKey = node.attrs['data-parcel-key'];
// Inform packager to remove type, since CSS and JS are the defaults.
if (node.attrs?.type && node.tag === 'style') {
delete node.attrs.type;
// insert parcelId to allow us to retrieve node during packaging
node.attrs['data-parcel-key'] = parcelKey;
asset.setAST(ast); // mark dirty
specifier: parcelKey,
specifierType: 'esm',
content: value,
uniqueKey: parcelKey,
bundleBehavior: 'inline',
meta: {
type: 'tag',
// $FlowFixMe
startLine: node.location?.start.line,
if (type === 'js') {
hasScripts = true;
// Process inline style attributes.
let attrs = node.attrs;
let style = attrs?.style;
if (attrs != null && style != null) { = asset.addDependency({
specifier: parcelKey,
specifierType: 'esm',
asset.setAST(ast); // mark dirty
type: 'css',
content: style,
uniqueKey: parcelKey,
bundleBehavior: 'inline',
meta: {
type: 'attr',
// $FlowFixMe
return node;
return {
assets: parts,