Son CV dans un terminal web en Javascript!
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

230 lines
6.0 KiB

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.filterPrefixes = filterPrefixes;
exports.sameVendor = sameVendor;
exports.noVendor = noVendor;
exports.ensureCompatibility = ensureCompatibility;
exports.pseudoElements = void 0;
var _caniuseApi = require("caniuse-api");
var _postcssSelectorParser = _interopRequireDefault(require("postcss-selector-parser"));
var _vendors = _interopRequireDefault(require("vendors"));
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
const simpleSelectorRe = /^#?[-._a-z0-9 ]+$/i;
const cssSel2 = 'css-sel2';
const cssSel3 = 'css-sel3';
const cssGencontent = 'css-gencontent';
const cssFirstLetter = 'css-first-letter';
const cssFirstLine = 'css-first-line';
const cssInOutOfRange = 'css-in-out-of-range';
const formValidation = 'form-validation';
/** @type {string[]} */
const prefixes = => `-${v}-`);
* @param {string} selector
* @return {string[]}
function filterPrefixes(selector) {
return prefixes.filter(prefix => selector.indexOf(prefix) !== -1);
} // Internet Explorer use :-ms-input-placeholder.
// Microsoft Edge use ::-ms-input-placeholder.
const findMsInputPlaceholder = selector =>;
function sameVendor(selectorsA, selectorsB) {
let same = selectors =>;
let findMsVendor = selectors => selectors.find(findMsInputPlaceholder);
return same(selectorsA) === same(selectorsB) && !(findMsVendor(selectorsA) && findMsVendor(selectorsB));
* @param {string} selector
* @return {boolean}
function noVendor(selector) {
return !filterPrefixes(selector).length;
const pseudoElements = {
':active': cssSel2,
':after': cssGencontent,
':any-link': 'css-any-link',
':before': cssGencontent,
':checked': cssSel3,
':default': 'css-default-pseudo',
':dir': 'css-dir-pseudo',
':disabled': cssSel3,
':empty': cssSel3,
':enabled': cssSel3,
':first-child': cssSel2,
':first-letter': cssFirstLetter,
':first-line': cssFirstLine,
':first-of-type': cssSel3,
':focus': cssSel2,
':focus-within': 'css-focus-within',
':focus-visible': 'css-focus-visible',
':has': 'css-has',
':hover': cssSel2,
':in-range': cssInOutOfRange,
':indeterminate': 'css-indeterminate-pseudo',
':invalid': formValidation,
':is': 'css-matches-pseudo',
':lang': cssSel2,
':last-child': cssSel3,
':last-of-type': cssSel3,
':link': cssSel2,
':matches': 'css-matches-pseudo',
':not': cssSel3,
':nth-child': cssSel3,
':nth-last-child': cssSel3,
':nth-last-of-type': cssSel3,
':nth-of-type': cssSel3,
':only-child': cssSel3,
':only-of-type': cssSel3,
':optional': 'css-optional-pseudo',
':out-of-range': cssInOutOfRange,
':placeholder-shown': 'css-placeholder-shown',
':required': formValidation,
':root': cssSel3,
':target': cssSel3,
'::after': cssGencontent,
'::backdrop': 'dialog',
'::before': cssGencontent,
'::first-letter': cssFirstLetter,
'::first-line': cssFirstLine,
'::marker': 'css-marker-pseudo',
'::placeholder': 'css-placeholder',
'::selection': 'css-selection',
':valid': formValidation,
':visited': cssSel2
exports.pseudoElements = pseudoElements;
function isCssMixin(selector) {
return selector[selector.length - 1] === ':';
function isHostPseudoClass(selector) {
return selector.includes(':host');
const isSupportedCache = {}; // Move to util in future
function isSupportedCached(feature, browsers) {
const key = JSON.stringify({
let result = isSupportedCache[key];
if (!result) {
result = (0, _caniuseApi.isSupported)(feature, browsers);
isSupportedCache[key] = result;
return result;
function ensureCompatibility(selectors, browsers, compatibilityCache) {
// Should not merge mixins
if (selectors.some(isCssMixin)) {
return false;
} // Should not merge :host selector
if (selectors.some(isHostPseudoClass)) {
return false;
return selectors.every(selector => {
if (simpleSelectorRe.test(selector)) {
return true;
if (compatibilityCache && selector in compatibilityCache) {
return compatibilityCache[selector];
let compatible = true;
(0, _postcssSelectorParser.default)(ast => {
ast.walk(node => {
const {
} = node;
if (type === 'pseudo') {
const entry = pseudoElements[value];
if (!entry && noVendor(value)) {
compatible = false;
if (entry && compatible) {
compatible = isSupportedCached(entry, browsers);
if (type === 'combinator') {
if (~value.indexOf('~')) {
compatible = isSupportedCached(cssSel3, browsers);
if (~value.indexOf('>') || ~value.indexOf('+')) {
compatible = isSupportedCached(cssSel2, browsers);
if (type === 'attribute' && node.attribute) {
// [foo]
if (!node.operator) {
compatible = isSupportedCached(cssSel2, browsers);
if (value) {
// [foo="bar"], [foo~="bar"], [foo|="bar"]
if (~['=', '~=', '|='].indexOf(node.operator)) {
compatible = isSupportedCached(cssSel2, browsers);
} // [foo^="bar"], [foo$="bar"], [foo*="bar"]
if (~['^=', '$=', '*='].indexOf(node.operator)) {
compatible = isSupportedCached(cssSel3, browsers);
} // [foo="bar" i]
if (node.insensitive) {
compatible = isSupportedCached('css-case-insensitive', browsers);
if (!compatible) {
// If this node was not compatible,
// break out early from walking the rest
return false;
if (compatibilityCache) {
compatibilityCache[selector] = compatible;
return compatible;