Son CV dans un terminal web en Javascript!
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

868 lines
28 KiB

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.getWatcherOptions = getWatcherOptions;
exports.default = exports.RequestGraph = exports.requestGraphEdgeTypes = void 0;
function _assert() {
const data = _interopRequireDefault(require("assert"));
_assert = function () {
return data;
return data;
function _nullthrows() {
const data = _interopRequireDefault(require("nullthrows"));
_nullthrows = function () {
return data;
return data;
function _path() {
const data = _interopRequireDefault(require("path"));
_path = function () {
return data;
return data;
function _utils() {
const data = require("@parcel/utils");
_utils = function () {
return data;
return data;
function _hash() {
const data = require("@parcel/hash");
_hash = function () {
return data;
return data;
function _graph() {
const data = require("@parcel/graph");
_graph = function () {
return data;
return data;
var _utils2 = require("./utils");
var _projectPath = require("./projectPath");
var _constants = require("./constants");
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
const requestGraphEdgeTypes = {
subrequest: 2,
invalidated_by_update: 3,
invalidated_by_delete: 4,
invalidated_by_create: 5,
invalidated_by_create_above: 6,
dirname: 7
exports.requestGraphEdgeTypes = requestGraphEdgeTypes;
const nodeFromFilePath = filePath => ({
id: (0, _projectPath.fromProjectPathRelative)(filePath),
type: 'file',
value: {
const nodeFromGlob = glob => ({
id: (0, _projectPath.fromProjectPathRelative)(glob),
type: 'glob',
value: glob
const nodeFromFileName = fileName => ({
id: 'file_name:' + fileName,
type: 'file_name',
value: fileName
const nodeFromRequest = request => ({
type: 'request',
value: request,
invalidateReason: _constants.INITIAL_BUILD
const nodeFromEnv = (env, value) => ({
id: 'env:' + env,
type: 'env',
value: {
key: env,
const nodeFromOption = (option, value) => ({
id: 'option:' + option,
type: 'option',
value: {
key: option,
hash: (0, _utils2.hashFromOption)(value)
class RequestGraph extends _graph().ContentGraph {
invalidNodeIds = new Set();
incompleteNodeIds = new Set();
incompleteNodePromises = new Map();
globNodeIds = new Set();
envNodeIds = new Set();
optionNodeIds = new Set(); // Unpredictable nodes are requests that cannot be predicted whether they should rerun based on
// filesystem changes alone. They should rerun on each startup of Parcel.
unpredicatableNodeIds = new Set(); // $FlowFixMe[prop-missing]
static deserialize(opts) {
// $FlowFixMe[prop-missing]
let deserialized = new RequestGraph(opts);
deserialized.invalidNodeIds = opts.invalidNodeIds;
deserialized.incompleteNodeIds = opts.incompleteNodeIds;
deserialized.globNodeIds = opts.globNodeIds;
deserialized.envNodeIds = opts.envNodeIds;
deserialized.optionNodeIds = opts.optionNodeIds;
deserialized.unpredicatableNodeIds = opts.unpredicatableNodeIds;
return deserialized;
} // $FlowFixMe[prop-missing]
serialize() {
return { ...super.serialize(),
invalidNodeIds: this.invalidNodeIds,
incompleteNodeIds: this.incompleteNodeIds,
globNodeIds: this.globNodeIds,
envNodeIds: this.envNodeIds,
optionNodeIds: this.optionNodeIds,
unpredicatableNodeIds: this.unpredicatableNodeIds
} // addNode for RequestGraph should not override the value if added multiple times
addNode(node) {
let nodeId = this._contentKeyToNodeId.get(;
if (nodeId != null) {
return nodeId;
nodeId = super.addNodeByContentKey(, node);
if (node.type === 'glob') {
} else if (node.type === 'env') {
} else if (node.type === 'option') {
return nodeId;
removeNode(nodeId) {
let node = (0, _nullthrows().default)(this.getNode(nodeId));
if (node.type === 'glob') {
} else if (node.type === 'env') {
} else if (node.type === 'option') {
return super.removeNode(nodeId);
getRequestNode(nodeId) {
let node = (0, _nullthrows().default)(this.getNode(nodeId));
(0, _assert().default)(node.type === 'request');
return node;
replaceSubrequests(requestNodeId, subrequestContentKeys) {
let subrequestNodeIds = [];
for (let key of subrequestContentKeys) {
if (this.hasContentKey(key)) {
this.replaceNodeIdsConnectedTo(requestNodeId, subrequestNodeIds, null, requestGraphEdgeTypes.subrequest);
invalidateNode(nodeId, reason) {
let node = (0, _nullthrows().default)(this.getNode(nodeId));
(0, _assert().default)(node.type === 'request');
node.invalidateReason |= reason;
let parentNodes = this.getNodeIdsConnectedTo(nodeId, requestGraphEdgeTypes.subrequest);
for (let parentNode of parentNodes) {
this.invalidateNode(parentNode, reason);
invalidateUnpredictableNodes() {
for (let nodeId of this.unpredicatableNodeIds) {
let node = (0, _nullthrows().default)(this.getNode(nodeId));
(0, _assert().default)(node.type !== 'file' && node.type !== 'glob');
this.invalidateNode(nodeId, _constants.STARTUP);
invalidateEnvNodes(env) {
for (let nodeId of this.envNodeIds) {
let node = (0, _nullthrows().default)(this.getNode(nodeId));
(0, _assert().default)(node.type === 'env');
if (env[node.value.key] !== node.value.value) {
let parentNodes = this.getNodeIdsConnectedTo(nodeId, requestGraphEdgeTypes.invalidated_by_update);
for (let parentNode of parentNodes) {
this.invalidateNode(parentNode, _constants.ENV_CHANGE);
invalidateOptionNodes(options) {
for (let nodeId of this.optionNodeIds) {
let node = (0, _nullthrows().default)(this.getNode(nodeId));
(0, _assert().default)(node.type === 'option');
if ((0, _utils2.hashFromOption)(options[node.value.key]) !== node.value.hash) {
let parentNodes = this.getNodeIdsConnectedTo(nodeId, requestGraphEdgeTypes.invalidated_by_update);
for (let parentNode of parentNodes) {
this.invalidateNode(parentNode, _constants.OPTION_CHANGE);
invalidateOnFileUpdate(requestNodeId, filePath) {
let fileNodeId = this.addNode(nodeFromFilePath(filePath));
if (!this.hasEdge(requestNodeId, fileNodeId, requestGraphEdgeTypes.invalidated_by_update)) {
this.addEdge(requestNodeId, fileNodeId, requestGraphEdgeTypes.invalidated_by_update);
invalidateOnFileDelete(requestNodeId, filePath) {
let fileNodeId = this.addNode(nodeFromFilePath(filePath));
if (!this.hasEdge(requestNodeId, fileNodeId, requestGraphEdgeTypes.invalidated_by_delete)) {
this.addEdge(requestNodeId, fileNodeId, requestGraphEdgeTypes.invalidated_by_delete);
invalidateOnFileCreate(requestNodeId, input) {
let node;
if (input.glob != null) {
node = nodeFromGlob(input.glob);
} else if (input.fileName != null && input.aboveFilePath != null) {
let aboveFilePath = input.aboveFilePath; // Create nodes and edges for each part of the filename pattern.
// For example, 'node_modules/foo' would create two nodes and one edge.
// This creates a sort of trie structure within the graph that can be
// quickly matched by following the edges. This is also memory efficient
// since common sub-paths (e.g. 'node_modules') are deduplicated.
let parts = input.fileName.split('/').reverse();
let lastNodeId;
for (let part of parts) {
let fileNameNode = nodeFromFileName(part);
let fileNameNodeId = this.addNode(fileNameNode);
if (lastNodeId != null && !this.hasEdge(lastNodeId, fileNameNodeId, requestGraphEdgeTypes.dirname)) {
this.addEdge(lastNodeId, fileNameNodeId, requestGraphEdgeTypes.dirname);
lastNodeId = fileNameNodeId;
} // The `aboveFilePath` condition asserts that requests are only invalidated
// if the file being created is "above" it in the filesystem (e.g. the file
// is created in a parent directory). There is likely to already be a node
// for this file in the graph (e.g. the source file) that we can reuse for this.
node = nodeFromFilePath(aboveFilePath);
let nodeId = this.addNode(node); // Now create an edge from the `aboveFilePath` node to the first file_name node
// in the chain created above, and an edge from the last node in the chain back to
// the `aboveFilePath` node. When matching, we will start from the first node in
// the chain, and continue following it to parent directories until there is an
// edge pointing an `aboveFilePath` node that also points to the start of the chain.
// This indicates a complete match, and any requests attached to the `aboveFilePath`
// node will be invalidated.
let firstId = 'file_name:' + parts[0];
let firstNodeId = this.getNodeIdByContentKey(firstId);
if (!this.hasEdge(nodeId, firstNodeId, requestGraphEdgeTypes.invalidated_by_create_above)) {
this.addEdge(nodeId, firstNodeId, requestGraphEdgeTypes.invalidated_by_create_above);
(0, _assert().default)(lastNodeId != null);
if (!this.hasEdge(lastNodeId, nodeId, requestGraphEdgeTypes.invalidated_by_create_above)) {
this.addEdge(lastNodeId, nodeId, requestGraphEdgeTypes.invalidated_by_create_above);
} else if (input.filePath != null) {
node = nodeFromFilePath(input.filePath);
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid invalidation');
let nodeId = this.addNode(node);
if (!this.hasEdge(requestNodeId, nodeId, requestGraphEdgeTypes.invalidated_by_create)) {
this.addEdge(requestNodeId, nodeId, requestGraphEdgeTypes.invalidated_by_create);
invalidateOnStartup(requestNodeId) {
invalidateOnEnvChange(requestNodeId, env, value) {
let envNode = nodeFromEnv(env, value);
let envNodeId = this.addNode(envNode);
if (!this.hasEdge(requestNodeId, envNodeId, requestGraphEdgeTypes.invalidated_by_update)) {
this.addEdge(requestNodeId, envNodeId, requestGraphEdgeTypes.invalidated_by_update);
invalidateOnOptionChange(requestNodeId, option, value) {
let optionNode = nodeFromOption(option, value);
let optionNodeId = this.addNode(optionNode);
if (!this.hasEdge(requestNodeId, optionNodeId, requestGraphEdgeTypes.invalidated_by_update)) {
this.addEdge(requestNodeId, optionNodeId, requestGraphEdgeTypes.invalidated_by_update);
clearInvalidations(nodeId) {
this.replaceNodeIdsConnectedTo(nodeId, [], null, requestGraphEdgeTypes.invalidated_by_update);
this.replaceNodeIdsConnectedTo(nodeId, [], null, requestGraphEdgeTypes.invalidated_by_delete);
this.replaceNodeIdsConnectedTo(nodeId, [], null, requestGraphEdgeTypes.invalidated_by_create);
getInvalidations(requestNodeId) {
if (!this.hasNode(requestNodeId)) {
return [];
} // For now just handling updates. Could add creates/deletes later if needed.
let invalidations = this.getNodeIdsConnectedFrom(requestNodeId, requestGraphEdgeTypes.invalidated_by_update);
return => {
let node = (0, _nullthrows().default)(this.getNode(nodeId));
switch (node.type) {
case 'file':
return {
type: 'file',
filePath: node.value.filePath
case 'env':
return {
type: 'env',
key: node.value.key
case 'option':
return {
type: 'option',
key: node.value.key
getSubRequests(requestNodeId) {
if (!this.hasNode(requestNodeId)) {
return [];
let subRequests = this.getNodeIdsConnectedFrom(requestNodeId, requestGraphEdgeTypes.subrequest);
return => {
let node = (0, _nullthrows().default)(this.getNode(nodeId));
(0, _assert().default)(node.type === 'request');
return node.value;
invalidateFileNameNode(node, filePath, matchNodes) {
// If there is an edge between this file_name node and one of the original file nodes pointed to
// by the original file_name node, and the matched node is inside the current directory, invalidate
// all connected requests pointed to by the file node.
let dirname = _path().default.dirname((0, _projectPath.fromProjectPathRelative)(filePath));
let nodeId = this.getNodeIdByContentKey(;
for (let matchNode of matchNodes) {
let matchNodeId = this.getNodeIdByContentKey(;
if (this.hasEdge(nodeId, matchNodeId, requestGraphEdgeTypes.invalidated_by_create_above) && (0, _utils().isDirectoryInside)(_path().default.dirname((0, _projectPath.fromProjectPathRelative)(matchNode.value.filePath)), dirname)) {
let connectedNodes = this.getNodeIdsConnectedTo(matchNodeId, requestGraphEdgeTypes.invalidated_by_create);
for (let connectedNode of connectedNodes) {
this.invalidateNode(connectedNode, _constants.FILE_CREATE);
} // Find the `file_name` node for the parent directory and
// recursively invalidate connected requests as described above.
let basename = _path().default.basename(dirname);
let contentKey = 'file_name:' + basename;
if (this.hasContentKey(contentKey)) {
if (this.hasEdge(nodeId, this.getNodeIdByContentKey(contentKey), requestGraphEdgeTypes.dirname)) {
let parent = (0, _nullthrows().default)(this.getNodeByContentKey(contentKey));
(0, _assert().default)(parent.type === 'file_name');
this.invalidateFileNameNode(parent, (0, _projectPath.toProjectPathUnsafe)(dirname), matchNodes);
respondToFSEvents(events) {
let didInvalidate = false;
for (let {
path: _filePath,
} of events) {
let filePath = (0, _projectPath.fromProjectPathRelative)(_filePath);
let hasFileRequest = this.hasContentKey(filePath); // If we see a 'create' event for the project root itself,
// this means the project root was moved and we need to
// re-run all requests.
if (type === 'create' && filePath === '') {
for (let [id, node] of this.nodes) {
if (node.type === 'request') {
return true;
} // sometimes mac os reports update events as create events.
// if it was a create event, but the file already exists in the graph,
// then also invalidate nodes connected by invalidated_by_update edges.
if (hasFileRequest && (type === 'create' || type === 'update')) {
let nodeId = this.getNodeIdByContentKey(filePath);
let nodes = this.getNodeIdsConnectedTo(nodeId, requestGraphEdgeTypes.invalidated_by_update);
for (let connectedNode of nodes) {
didInvalidate = true;
this.invalidateNode(connectedNode, _constants.FILE_UPDATE);
if (type === 'create') {
let nodes = this.getNodeIdsConnectedTo(nodeId, requestGraphEdgeTypes.invalidated_by_create);
for (let connectedNode of nodes) {
didInvalidate = true;
this.invalidateNode(connectedNode, _constants.FILE_CREATE);
} else if (type === 'create') {
let basename = _path().default.basename(filePath);
let fileNameNode = this.getNodeByContentKey('file_name:' + basename);
if (fileNameNode != null && (fileNameNode === null || fileNameNode === void 0 ? void 0 : fileNameNode.type) === 'file_name') {
let fileNameNodeId = this.getNodeIdByContentKey('file_name:' + basename); // Find potential file nodes to be invalidated if this file name pattern matches
let above = this.getNodeIdsConnectedTo(fileNameNodeId, requestGraphEdgeTypes.invalidated_by_create_above).map(nodeId => {
let node = (0, _nullthrows().default)(this.getNode(nodeId));
(0, _assert().default)(node.type === 'file');
return node;
if (above.length > 0) {
didInvalidate = true;
this.invalidateFileNameNode(fileNameNode, _filePath, above);
for (let globeNodeId of this.globNodeIds) {
let globNode = this.getNode(globeNodeId);
(0, _assert().default)(globNode && globNode.type === 'glob');
if ((0, _utils().isGlobMatch)(filePath, (0, _projectPath.fromProjectPathRelative)(globNode.value))) {
let connectedNodes = this.getNodeIdsConnectedTo(globeNodeId, requestGraphEdgeTypes.invalidated_by_create);
for (let connectedNode of connectedNodes) {
didInvalidate = true;
this.invalidateNode(connectedNode, _constants.FILE_CREATE);
} else if (hasFileRequest && type === 'delete') {
let nodeId = this.getNodeIdByContentKey(filePath);
for (let connectedNode of this.getNodeIdsConnectedTo(nodeId, requestGraphEdgeTypes.invalidated_by_delete)) {
didInvalidate = true;
this.invalidateNode(connectedNode, _constants.FILE_DELETE);
} // Delete the file node since it doesn't exist anymore.
// This ensures that files that don't exist aren't sent
// to requests as invalidations for future requests.
return didInvalidate && this.invalidNodeIds.size > 0;
exports.RequestGraph = RequestGraph;
class RequestTracker {
}) {
this.graph = graph || new RequestGraph(); = farm;
this.options = options;
} // TODO: refactor (abortcontroller should be created by RequestTracker)
setSignal(signal) {
this.signal = signal;
startRequest(request) {
let didPreviouslyExist = this.graph.hasContentKey(;
let requestNodeId;
if (didPreviouslyExist) {
requestNodeId = this.graph.getNodeIdByContentKey(; // Clear existing invalidations for the request so that the new
// invalidations created during the request replace the existing ones.
} else {
requestNodeId = this.graph.addNode(nodeFromRequest(request));
let {
} = (0, _utils().makeDeferredWithPromise)();
this.graph.incompleteNodePromises.set(requestNodeId, promise);
return {
} // If a cache key is provided, the result will be removed from the node and stored in a separate cache entry
storeResult(nodeId, result, cacheKey) {
let node = this.graph.getNode(nodeId);
if (node && node.type === 'request') {
node.value.result = result;
node.value.resultCacheKey = cacheKey;
hasValidResult(nodeId) {
return this.graph.hasNode(nodeId) && !this.graph.invalidNodeIds.has(nodeId) && !this.graph.incompleteNodeIds.has(nodeId);
async getRequestResult(contentKey, ifMatch) {
let node = (0, _nullthrows().default)(this.graph.getNodeByContentKey(contentKey));
(0, _assert().default)(node.type === 'request');
if (ifMatch != null && node.value.resultCacheKey !== ifMatch) {
return null;
if (node.value.result != undefined) {
// $FlowFixMe
let result = node.value.result;
return result;
} else if (node.value.resultCacheKey != null && ifMatch == null) {
let cachedResult = (0, _nullthrows().default)(await this.options.cache.get(node.value.resultCacheKey) // $FlowFixMe
node.value.result = cachedResult;
return cachedResult;
completeRequest(nodeId) {
let node = this.graph.getNode(nodeId);
if ((node === null || node === void 0 ? void 0 : node.type) === 'request') {
node.invalidateReason = _constants.VALID;
rejectRequest(nodeId) {
let node = this.graph.getNode(nodeId);
if ((node === null || node === void 0 ? void 0 : node.type) === 'request') {
this.graph.invalidateNode(nodeId, _constants.ERROR);
respondToFSEvents(events) {
return this.graph.respondToFSEvents(events);
hasInvalidRequests() {
return this.graph.invalidNodeIds.size > 0;
getInvalidRequests() {
let invalidRequests = [];
for (let id of this.graph.invalidNodeIds) {
let node = (0, _nullthrows().default)(this.graph.getNode(id));
(0, _assert().default)(node.type === 'request');
return invalidRequests;
replaceSubrequests(requestNodeId, subrequestContextKeys) {
this.graph.replaceSubrequests(requestNodeId, subrequestContextKeys);
async runRequest(request, opts) {
let requestId = this.graph.hasContentKey( ? this.graph.getNodeIdByContentKey( : undefined;
let hasValidResult = requestId != null && this.hasValidResult(requestId);
if (!(opts !== null && opts !== void 0 && opts.force) && hasValidResult) {
// $FlowFixMe[incompatible-type]
return this.getRequestResult(;
if (requestId != null) {
let incompletePromise = this.graph.incompleteNodePromises.get(requestId);
if (incompletePromise != null) {
// There is a another instance of this request already running, wait for its completion and reuse its result
try {
if (await incompletePromise) {
// $FlowFixMe[incompatible-type]
return this.getRequestResult(;
} catch (e) {// Rerun this request
let previousInvalidations = requestId != null ? this.graph.getInvalidations(requestId) : [];
let {
} = this.startRequest({
type: request.type
let {
} = this.createAPI(requestNodeId, previousInvalidations);
try {
let node = this.graph.getRequestNode(requestNodeId);
let result = await{
input: request.input,
options: this.options,
invalidateReason: node.invalidateReason
(0, _utils2.assertSignalNotAborted)(this.signal);
return result;
} catch (err) {
throw err;
} finally {
this.graph.replaceSubrequests(requestNodeId, [...subRequestContentKeys]);
createAPI(requestId, previousInvalidations) {
let subRequestContentKeys = new Set();
return {
api: {
invalidateOnFileCreate: input => this.graph.invalidateOnFileCreate(requestId, input),
invalidateOnFileDelete: filePath => this.graph.invalidateOnFileDelete(requestId, filePath),
invalidateOnFileUpdate: filePath => this.graph.invalidateOnFileUpdate(requestId, filePath),
invalidateOnStartup: () => this.graph.invalidateOnStartup(requestId),
invalidateOnEnvChange: env => this.graph.invalidateOnEnvChange(requestId, env, this.options.env[env]),
invalidateOnOptionChange: option => this.graph.invalidateOnOptionChange(requestId, option, this.options[option]),
getInvalidations: () => previousInvalidations,
storeResult: (result, cacheKey) => {
this.storeResult(requestId, result, cacheKey);
getSubRequests: () => this.graph.getSubRequests(requestId),
getPreviousResult: ifMatch => {
var _this$graph$getNode;
let contentKey = (0, _nullthrows().default)((_this$graph$getNode = this.graph.getNode(requestId)) === null || _this$graph$getNode === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$graph$;
return this.getRequestResult(contentKey, ifMatch);
getRequestResult: id => this.getRequestResult(id),
canSkipSubrequest: contentKey => {
if (this.graph.hasContentKey(contentKey) && this.hasValidResult(this.graph.getNodeIdByContentKey(contentKey))) {
return true;
return false;
runRequest: (subRequest, opts) => {
return this.runRequest(subRequest, opts);
async writeToCache() {
let cacheKey = getCacheKey(this.options);
let requestGraphKey = (0, _hash().hashString)(`${cacheKey}:requestGraph`);
let snapshotKey = (0, _hash().hashString)(`${cacheKey}:snapshot`);
if (this.options.shouldDisableCache) {
let promises = [];
for (let [, node] of this.graph.nodes) {
if (node.type !== 'request') {
let resultCacheKey = node.value.resultCacheKey;
if (resultCacheKey != null && node.value.result != null) {
promises.push(this.options.cache.set(resultCacheKey, node.value.result));
delete node.value.result;
promises.push(this.options.cache.set(requestGraphKey, this.graph));
let opts = getWatcherOptions(this.options);
let snapshotPath = _path().default.join(this.options.cacheDir, snapshotKey + '.txt');
promises.push(this.options.inputFS.writeSnapshot(this.options.projectRoot, snapshotPath, opts));
await Promise.all(promises);
static async init({
}) {
let graph = await loadRequestGraph(options);
return new RequestTracker({
exports.default = RequestTracker;
function getWatcherOptions(options) {
let vcsDirs = ['.git', '.hg'].map(dir => _path().default.join(options.projectRoot, dir));
let ignore = [options.cacheDir, ...vcsDirs];
return {
function getCacheKey(options) {
return `${_constants.PARCEL_VERSION}:${JSON.stringify(options.entries)}:${options.mode}`;
async function loadRequestGraph(options) {
if (options.shouldDisableCache) {
return new RequestGraph();
let cacheKey = getCacheKey(options);
let requestGraphKey = (0, _hash().hashString)(`${cacheKey}:requestGraph`);
let requestGraph = await options.cache.get(requestGraphKey);
if (requestGraph) {
let opts = getWatcherOptions(options);
let snapshotKey = (0, _hash().hashString)(`${cacheKey}:snapshot`);
let snapshotPath = _path().default.join(options.cacheDir, snapshotKey + '.txt');
let events = await options.inputFS.getEventsSince(options.projectRoot, snapshotPath, opts);
requestGraph.respondToFSEvents( => ({
type: e.type,
path: (0, _projectPath.toProjectPath)(options.projectRoot, e.path)
return requestGraph;
return new RequestGraph();