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ANSI syntax highlighting in for your terminal. Like highlight.js (through lowlight).

emphasize supports all 190 syntaxes of highlight.js.



npm install emphasize


Say example.css looks as follows:

@font-face {
  font-family: Alpha;
  src: url('Bravo.otf');

body, .charlie, #delta {
  color: #bada55;
  background-color: rgba(33, 33, 33, 0.33);
  font-family: "Alpha", sans-serif;

@import url(echo.css);

@media print {
  a[href^=http]::after {
    content: attr(href)

And example.js contains the following:

var fs = require('fs')
var emphasize = require('emphasize')

var doc = fs.readFileSync('./example.css', 'utf8')

var output = emphasize.highlightAuto(doc).value


Now, running node example yields:

@\u001b[32mfont-face\u001b[39m {
  \u001b[33mfont-family\u001b[39m: Alpha;
  \u001b[33msrc\u001b[39m: \u001b[31murl\u001b[39m(\u001b[36m'Bravo.otf'\u001b[39m);

\u001b[32mbody\u001b[39m, \u001b[34m.charlie\u001b[39m, \u001b[34m#delta\u001b[39m {
  \u001b[33mcolor\u001b[39m: \u001b[36m#bada55\u001b[39m;
  \u001b[33mbackground-color\u001b[39m: \u001b[31mrgba\u001b[39m(33, 33, 33, 0.33);
  \u001b[33mfont-family\u001b[39m: \u001b[36m\"Alpha\"\u001b[39m, sans-serif;

@\u001b[32mimport\u001b[39m url(echo.css);

@\u001b[32mmedia\u001b[39m print {
  \u001b[32ma\u001b[39m\u001b[35m[href^=http]\u001b[39m\u001b[35m::after\u001b[39m {
    \u001b[33mcontent\u001b[39m: \u001b[31mattr\u001b[39m(href)

And looks as follows:

Screenshot showing the code in terminal


emphasize.registerLanguage(name, syntax)

Register a syntax. Like low.registerLanguage().

emphasize.highlight(language, value[, sheet])

Highlight value as a language grammar. Like low.highlight(), but the return object’s value property is a string instead of hast nodes.

You can pass in a sheet (Sheet?, optional) to configure the theme.

emphasize.highlightAuto(value[, sheet | options])

Highlight value by guessing its grammar. Like low.highlightAuto(), but the return object’s value property is a string instead of hast nodes.

You can pass in a sheet (Sheet?, optional) directly or as options.sheet to configure the theme.


A sheet is an object mapping highlight.js classes to functions. The hljs- prefix must not be used in those classes. The “descendant selector” (a space) is supported.

Those functions receive a value (string), which they should wrap in ANSI sequences, and return. For convenience, chalk’s chaining of styles is suggested.

An abbreviated example is as follows:

  'comment': chalk.gray,
  'meta meta-string': chalk.cyan,
  'meta keyword': chalk.magenta,
  'emphasis': chalk.italic,
  'strong': chalk.bold,
  'formula': chalk.inverse

Emphasize in the browser

Do not require emphasize in the browser as that would include a very large file.

Instead, require emphasize/lib/core, and include only the used highlighters. For example:

var emphasize = require('emphasize/lib/core')
var js = require('highlight.js/lib/languages/javascript')

emphasize.registerLanguage('javascript', js)

emphasize.highlight('js', '"use strict";').value
// '\u001b[35m"use strict"\u001b[39m;'


MIT © Titus Wormer