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import {Except} from './except';
import {Simplify} from './simplify';
Create a type that strips `readonly` from all or some of an object's keys. Inverse of `Readonly<T>`.
This can be used to [store and mutate options within a class](, [edit `readonly` objects within tests](, [construct a `readonly` object within a function](, or to define a single model where the only thing that changes is whether or not some of the keys are mutable.
import {Mutable} from 'type-fest';
type Foo = {
readonly a: number;
readonly b: readonly string[]; // To show that only the mutability status of the properties, not their values, are affected.
readonly c: boolean;
const mutableFoo: Mutable<Foo> = {a: 1, b: ['2']};
mutableFoo.a = 3;
mutableFoo.b[0] = 'new value'; // Will still fail as the value of property "b" is still a readonly type.
mutableFoo.b = ['something']; // Will work as the "b" property itself is no longer readonly.
type SomeMutable = Mutable<Foo, 'b' | 'c'>;
// type SomeMutable = {
// readonly a: number;
// b: readonly string[]; // It's now mutable. The type of the property remains unaffected.
// c: boolean; // It's now mutable.
// }
export type Mutable<BaseType, Keys extends keyof BaseType = keyof BaseType> =
// Pick just the keys that are not mutable from the base type.
Except<BaseType, Keys> &
// Pick the keys that should be mutable from the base type and make them mutable by removing the `readonly` modifier from the key.
{-readonly [KeyType in keyof Pick<BaseType, Keys>]: Pick<BaseType, Keys>[KeyType]}