Son CV dans un terminal web en Javascript!
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1813 lines
56 KiB

// @flow strict-local
import type {Readable} from 'stream';
import type SourceMap from '@parcel/source-map';
import type {FileSystem} from '@parcel/fs';
import type WorkerFarm from '@parcel/workers';
import type {PackageManager} from '@parcel/package-manager';
import type {
} from '@parcel/diagnostic';
import type {Cache} from '@parcel/cache';
import type {AST as _AST, ConfigResult as _ConfigResult} from './unsafe';
/** Plugin-specific AST, <code>any</code> */
export type AST = _AST;
export type ConfigResult = _ConfigResult;
/** Plugin-specific config result, <code>any</code> */
export type ConfigResultWithFilePath<T> = {|
contents: T,
filePath: FilePath,
/** <code>process.env</code> */
export type EnvMap = typeof process.env;
export type JSONValue =
| null
| void // ? Is this okay?
| boolean
| number
| string
| Array<JSONValue>
| JSONObject;
/** A JSON object (as in "map") */
export type JSONObject = {[key: string]: JSONValue, ...};
export type PackageName = string;
export type FilePath = string;
export type Glob = string;
export type Semver = string;
export type SemverRange = string;
/** See Dependency */
export type DependencySpecifier = string;
/** A pipeline as specified in the config mapping to <code>T</code> */
export type GlobMap<T> = {[Glob]: T, ...};
export type RawParcelConfigPipeline = Array<PackageName>;
export type HMROptions = {port?: number, host?: string, ...};
/** The format of .parcelrc */
export type RawParcelConfig = {|
extends?: PackageName | FilePath | Array<PackageName | FilePath>,
resolvers?: RawParcelConfigPipeline,
transformers?: {[Glob]: RawParcelConfigPipeline, ...},
bundler?: PackageName,
namers?: RawParcelConfigPipeline,
runtimes?: RawParcelConfigPipeline,
packagers?: {[Glob]: PackageName, ...},
optimizers?: {[Glob]: RawParcelConfigPipeline, ...},
compressors?: {[Glob]: RawParcelConfigPipeline, ...},
reporters?: RawParcelConfigPipeline,
validators?: {[Glob]: RawParcelConfigPipeline, ...},
/** A .parcelrc where all package names are resolved */
export type ResolvedParcelConfigFile = {|
+filePath: FilePath,
+resolveFrom?: FilePath,
/** Corresponds to <code>pkg#engines</code> */
export type Engines = {
+browsers?: string | Array<string>,
+electron?: SemverRange,
+node?: SemverRange,
+parcel?: SemverRange,
/** Corresponds to <code>pkg#targets.*.sourceMap</code> */
export type TargetSourceMapOptions = {|
+sourceRoot?: string,
+inline?: boolean,
+inlineSources?: boolean,
* A parsed version of PackageTargetDescriptor
export interface Target {
/** The output filename of the entry */
+distEntry: ?FilePath;
/** The output folder */
+distDir: FilePath;
+env: Environment;
+name: string;
+publicUrl: string;
/** The location that created this Target, e.g. `package.json#main`*/
+loc: ?SourceLocation;
/** In which environment the output should run (influces e.g. bundle loaders) */
export type EnvironmentContext =
| 'browser'
| 'web-worker'
| 'service-worker'
| 'worklet'
| 'node'
| 'electron-main'
| 'electron-renderer';
/** The JS module format for the bundle output */
export type OutputFormat = 'esmodule' | 'commonjs' | 'global';
* The format of <code>pkg#targets.*</code>
* See Environment and Target.
export type PackageTargetDescriptor = {|
+context?: EnvironmentContext,
+engines?: Engines,
| boolean
| Array<PackageName>
| {[PackageName]: boolean, ...},
+outputFormat?: OutputFormat,
+publicUrl?: string,
+distDir?: FilePath,
+sourceMap?: boolean | TargetSourceMapOptions,
+isLibrary?: boolean,
+optimize?: boolean,
+scopeHoist?: boolean,
+source?: FilePath | Array<FilePath>,
* The target format when using the JS API.
* (Same as PackageTargetDescriptor, but <code>distDir</code> is required.)
export type TargetDescriptor = {|
+distDir: FilePath,
+distEntry?: FilePath,
export type SourceType = 'script' | 'module';
* This is used when creating an Environment (see that).
export type EnvironmentOptions = {|
+context?: EnvironmentContext,
+engines?: Engines,
| boolean
| Array<PackageName>
| {[PackageName]: boolean, ...},
+outputFormat?: OutputFormat,
+sourceType?: SourceType,
+isLibrary?: boolean,
+shouldOptimize?: boolean,
+shouldScopeHoist?: boolean,
+sourceMap?: ?TargetSourceMapOptions,
+loc?: ?SourceLocation,
* A resolved browserslist, e.g.:
* <pre><code>
* {
* edge: '76',
* firefox: '67',
* chrome: '63',
* safari: '11.1',
* opera: '50',
* }
* </code></pre>
export type VersionMap = {
[string]: string,
export type EnvironmentFeature =
| 'esmodules'
| 'dynamic-import'
| 'worker-module'
| 'service-worker-module'
| 'import-meta-url'
| 'arrow-functions';
* Defines the environment in for the output bundle
export interface Environment {
+id: string;
+context: EnvironmentContext;
+engines: Engines;
/** Whether to include all/none packages \
* (<code>true / false</code>), an array of package names to include, or an object \
* (of a package is not specified, it's included).
| boolean
| Array<PackageName>
| {[PackageName]: boolean, ...};
+outputFormat: OutputFormat;
+sourceType: SourceType;
/** Whether this is a library build (e.g. less loaders) */
+isLibrary: boolean;
/** Whether the output should be minified. */
+shouldOptimize: boolean;
/** Whether scope hoisting is enabled. */
+shouldScopeHoist: boolean;
+sourceMap: ?TargetSourceMapOptions;
+loc: ?SourceLocation;
/** Whether <code>context</code> specifies a browser context. */
isBrowser(): boolean;
/** Whether <code>context</code> specifies a node context. */
isNode(): boolean;
/** Whether <code>context</code> specifies an electron context. */
isElectron(): boolean;
/** Whether <code>context</code> specifies a worker context. */
isWorker(): boolean;
/** Whether <code>context</code> specifies a worklet context. */
isWorklet(): boolean;
/** Whether <code>context</code> specifies an isolated context (can't access other loaded ancestor bundles). */
isIsolated(): boolean;
matchesEngines(minVersions: VersionMap, defaultValue?: boolean): boolean;
supports(feature: EnvironmentFeature, defaultValue?: boolean): boolean;
* Format of <code>pkg#dependencies</code>, <code>pkg#devDependencies</code>, <code>pkg#peerDependencies</code>
type PackageDependencies = {|
[PackageName]: Semver,
* Format of <code>package.json</code>
export type PackageJSON = {
name: PackageName,
version: Semver,
type?: 'module',
main?: FilePath,
module?: FilePath,
types?: FilePath,
browser?: FilePath | {[FilePath]: FilePath | boolean, ...},
source?: FilePath | Array<FilePath>,
alias?: {[PackageName | FilePath | Glob]: PackageName | FilePath, ...},
browserslist?: Array<string> | {[string]: Array<string>},
engines?: Engines,
targets?: {[string]: PackageTargetDescriptor, ...},
dependencies?: PackageDependencies,
devDependencies?: PackageDependencies,
peerDependencies?: PackageDependencies,
sideEffects?: boolean | FilePath | Array<FilePath>,
bin?: string | {|[string]: FilePath|},
export type LogLevel = 'none' | 'error' | 'warn' | 'info' | 'verbose';
export type BuildMode = 'development' | 'production' | string;
export type DetailedReportOptions = {|
assetsPerBundle?: number,
export type InitialParcelOptions = {|
+entries?: FilePath | Array<FilePath>,
+config?: DependencySpecifier,
+defaultConfig?: DependencySpecifier,
+env?: EnvMap,
+targets?: ?(Array<string> | {+[string]: TargetDescriptor, ...}),
+shouldDisableCache?: boolean,
+cacheDir?: FilePath,
+mode?: BuildMode,
+hmrOptions?: ?HMROptions,
+shouldContentHash?: boolean,
+serveOptions?: InitialServerOptions | false,
+shouldAutoInstall?: boolean,
+logLevel?: LogLevel,
+shouldProfile?: boolean,
+shouldPatchConsole?: boolean,
+shouldBuildLazily?: boolean,
+inputFS?: FileSystem,
+outputFS?: FileSystem,
+cache?: Cache,
+workerFarm?: WorkerFarm,
+packageManager?: PackageManager,
+detailedReport?: ?DetailedReportOptions,
+defaultTargetOptions?: {|
+shouldOptimize?: boolean,
+shouldScopeHoist?: boolean,
+sourceMaps?: boolean,
+publicUrl?: string,
+distDir?: FilePath,
+engines?: Engines,
+outputFormat?: OutputFormat,
+isLibrary?: boolean,
+additionalReporters?: Array<{|
packageName: DependencySpecifier,
resolveFrom: FilePath,
// throwErrors
// global?
export type InitialServerOptions = {|
+publicUrl?: string,
+host?: string,
+port: number,
+https?: HTTPSOptions | boolean,
export interface PluginOptions {
+mode: BuildMode;
+env: EnvMap;
+hmrOptions: ?HMROptions;
+serveOptions: ServerOptions | false;
+shouldBuildLazily: boolean;
+shouldAutoInstall: boolean;
+logLevel: LogLevel;
+projectRoot: FilePath;
+cacheDir: FilePath;
+inputFS: FileSystem;
+outputFS: FileSystem;
+packageManager: PackageManager;
+instanceId: string;
+detailedReport: ?DetailedReportOptions;
export type ServerOptions = {|
+distDir: FilePath,
+host?: string,
+port: number,
+https?: HTTPSOptions | boolean,
+publicUrl?: string,
export type HTTPSOptions = {|
+cert: FilePath,
+key: FilePath,
* Source locations are 1-based, meaning lines and columns start at 1
export type SourceLocation = {|
+filePath: string,
/** inclusive */
+start: {|
+line: number,
+column: number,
/** exclusive */
+end: {|
+line: number,
+column: number,
* An object that plugins can write arbitatry data to.
export type Meta = JSONObject;
* An identifier in an asset (likely imported/exported).
export type Symbol = string;
* A map of export names to the corresponding asset's local variable names.
export interface AssetSymbols // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
extends Iterable<
[Symbol, {|local: Symbol, loc: ?SourceLocation, meta?: ?Meta|}],
> {
* The exports of the asset are unknown, rather than just empty.
* This is the default state.
+isCleared: boolean;
exportSymbol: Symbol,
): ?{|local: Symbol, loc: ?SourceLocation, meta?: ?Meta|};
hasExportSymbol(exportSymbol: Symbol): boolean;
hasLocalSymbol(local: Symbol): boolean;
exportSymbols(): Iterable<Symbol>;
export interface MutableAssetSymbols extends AssetSymbols {
* Initilizes the map, sets isCleared to false.
ensure(): void;
exportSymbol: Symbol,
local: Symbol,
loc: ?SourceLocation,
meta?: ?Meta,
): void;
delete(exportSymbol: Symbol): void;
* isWeak means: the symbol is not used by the parent asset itself and is merely reexported
export interface MutableDependencySymbols // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
extends Iterable<
{|local: Symbol, loc: ?SourceLocation, isWeak: boolean, meta?: ?Meta|},
> {
* Initilizes the map, sets isCleared to false.
ensure(): void;
* The symbols taht are imports are unknown, rather than just empty.
* This is the default state.
+isCleared: boolean;
exportSymbol: Symbol,
): ?{|local: Symbol, loc: ?SourceLocation, isWeak: boolean, meta?: ?Meta|};
hasExportSymbol(exportSymbol: Symbol): boolean;
hasLocalSymbol(local: Symbol): boolean;
exportSymbols(): Iterable<Symbol>;
exportSymbol: Symbol,
local: Symbol,
loc: ?SourceLocation,
isWeak: ?boolean,
): void;
delete(exportSymbol: Symbol): void;
export type DependencyPriority = 'sync' | 'parallel' | 'lazy';
export type SpecifierType = 'commonjs' | 'esm' | 'url' | 'custom';
* Usen when creating a Dependency, see that.
* @section transformer
export type DependencyOptions = {|
/** The specifier used to resolve the dependency. */
+specifier: DependencySpecifier,
* How the specifier should be interpreted.
* - esm: An ES module specifier. It is parsed as a URL, but bare specifiers are treated as node_modules.
* - commonjs: A CommonJS specifier. It is not parsed as a URL.
* - url: A URL that works as in a browser. Bare specifiers are treated as relative URLs.
* - custom: A custom specifier. Must be handled by a custom resolver plugin.
+specifierType: SpecifierType,
* When the dependency should be loaded.
* - sync: The dependency should be resolvable synchronously. The resolved asset will be placed
* in the same bundle as the parent, or another bundle that's already on the page.
* - parallel: The dependency should be placed in a separate bundle that's loaded in parallel
* with the current bundle.
* - lazy: The dependency should be placed in a separate bundle that's loaded later.
* @default 'sync'
+priority?: DependencyPriority,
* Controls the behavior of the bundle the resolved asset is placed into. Use in combination with `priority`
* to determine when the bundle is loaded.
* - inline: The resolved asset will be placed into a new inline bundle. Inline bundles are not written
* to a separate file, but embedded into the parent bundle.
* - isolated: The resolved asset will be isolated from its parents in a separate bundle.
* Shared assets will be duplicated.
+bundleBehavior?: BundleBehavior,
* When the dependency is a bundle entry (priority is "parallel" or "lazy"), this controls the naming
* of that bundle. `needsStableName` indicates that the name should be stable over time, even when the
* content of the bundle changes. This is useful for entries that a user would manually enter the URL
* for, as well as for things like service workers or RSS feeds, where the URL must remain consistent
* over time.
+needsStableName?: boolean,
/** Whether the dependency is optional. If the dependency cannot be resolved, this will not fail the build. */
+isOptional?: boolean,
/** The location within the source file where the dependency was found. */
+loc?: SourceLocation,
/** The environment of the dependency. */
+env?: EnvironmentOptions,
/** Plugin-specific metadata for the dependency. */
+meta?: Meta,
/** The pipeline defined in .parcelrc that the dependency should be processed with. */
+pipeline?: string,
* The file path where the dependency should be resolved from.
* By default, this is the path of the source file where the dependency was specified.
+resolveFrom?: FilePath,
/** The symbols within the resolved module that the source file depends on. */
+symbols?: $ReadOnlyMap<
{|local: Symbol, loc: ?SourceLocation, isWeak: boolean, meta?: Meta|},
* A Dependency denotes a connection between two assets \
* (likely some effect from the importee is expected - be it a side effect or a value is being imported).
* @section transformer
export interface Dependency {
/** The id of the dependency. */
+id: string;
/** The specifier used to resolve the dependency. */
+specifier: DependencySpecifier;
* How the specifier should be interpreted.
* - esm: An ES module specifier. It is parsed as a URL, but bare specifiers are treated as node_modules.
* - commonjs: A CommonJS specifier. It is not parsed as a URL.
* - url: A URL that works as in a browser. Bare specifiers are treated as relative URLs.
* - custom: A custom specifier. Must be handled by a custom resolver plugin.
+specifierType: SpecifierType;
* When the dependency should be loaded.
* - sync: The dependency should be resolvable synchronously. The resolved asset will be placed
* in the same bundle as the parent, or another bundle that's already on the page.
* - parallel: The dependency should be placed in a separate bundle that's loaded in parallel
* with the current bundle.
* - lazy: The dependency should be placed in a separate bundle that's loaded later.
* @default 'sync'
+priority: DependencyPriority;
* Controls the behavior of the bundle the resolved asset is placed into. Use in combination with `priority`
* to determine when the bundle is loaded.
* - inline: The resolved asset will be placed into a new inline bundle. Inline bundles are not written
* to a separate file, but embedded into the parent bundle.
* - isolated: The resolved asset will be isolated from its parents in a separate bundle.
* Shared assets will be duplicated.
+bundleBehavior: ?BundleBehavior;
* When the dependency is a bundle entry (priority is "parallel" or "lazy"), this controls the naming
* of that bundle. `needsStableName` indicates that the name should be stable over time, even when the
* content of the bundle changes. This is useful for entries that a user would manually enter the URL
* for, as well as for things like service workers or RSS feeds, where the URL must remain consistent
* over time.
+needsStableName: boolean;
/** Whether the dependency is optional. If the dependency cannot be resolved, this will not fail the build. */
+isOptional: boolean;
/** Whether the dependency is an entry. */
+isEntry: boolean;
/** The location within the source file where the dependency was found. */
+loc: ?SourceLocation;
/** The environment of the dependency. */
+env: Environment;
/** Plugin-specific metadata for the dependency. */
+meta: Meta;
/** If this is an entry, this is the target that is associated with that entry. */
+target: ?Target;
/** The id of the asset with this dependency. */
+sourceAssetId: ?string;
/** The file path of the asset with this dependency. */
+sourcePath: ?FilePath;
/** The type of the asset that referenced this dependency. */
+sourceAssetType: ?string;
* The file path where the dependency should be resolved from.
* By default, this is the path of the source file where the dependency was specified.
+resolveFrom: ?FilePath;
/** The pipeline defined in .parcelrc that the dependency should be processed with. */
+pipeline: ?string;
// TODO make immutable
/** The symbols within the resolved module that the source file depends on. */
+symbols: MutableDependencySymbols;
export type File = {|
+filePath: FilePath,
+hash?: string,
* @section transformer
export type ASTGenerator = {|
type: string,
version: Semver,
export type BundleBehavior = 'inline' | 'isolated';
* An asset represents a file or part of a file. It may represent any data type, including source code,
* binary data, etc. Assets may exist in the file system or may be virtual.
* @section transformer
export interface BaseAsset {
/** The id of the asset. */
+id: string;
/** The file system where the source is located. */
+fs: FileSystem;
/** The file path of the asset. */
+filePath: FilePath;
* The asset's type. This initially corresponds to the source file extension,
* but it may be changed during transformation.
+type: string;
/** The transformer options for the asset from the dependency query string. */
+query: URLSearchParams;
/** The environment of the asset. */
+env: Environment;
* Whether this asset is part of the project, and not an external dependency (e.g. in node_modules).
* This indicates that transformation using the project's configuration should be applied.
+isSource: boolean;
/** Plugin-specific metadata for the asset. */
+meta: Meta;
* Controls which bundle the asset is placed into.
* - inline: The asset will be placed into a new inline bundle. Inline bundles are not written
* to a separate file, but embedded into the parent bundle.
* - isolated: The asset will be isolated from its parents in a separate bundle. Shared assets
* will be duplicated.
+bundleBehavior: ?BundleBehavior;
* If the asset is used as a bundle entry, this controls whether that bundle can be split
* into multiple, or whether all of the dependencies must be placed in a single bundle.
+isBundleSplittable: boolean;
* Whether this asset can be omitted if none of its exports are being used.
* This is initially set by the resolver, but can be overridden by transformers.
+sideEffects: boolean;
* When a transformer returns multiple assets, it can give them unique keys to identify them.
* This can be used to find assets during packaging, or to create dependencies between multiple
* assets returned by a transformer by using the unique key as the dependency specifier.
+uniqueKey: ?string;
/** The type of the AST. */
+astGenerator: ?ASTGenerator;
/** The pipeline defined in .parcelrc that the asset should be processed with. */
+pipeline: ?string;
/** The symbols that the asset exports. */
+symbols: AssetSymbols;
/** Returns the current AST. */
getAST(): Promise<?AST>;
/** Returns the asset contents as a string. */
getCode(): Promise<string>;
/** Returns the asset contents as a buffer. */
getBuffer(): Promise<Buffer>;
/** Returns the asset contents as a stream. */
getStream(): Readable;
/** Returns the source map for the asset, if available. */
getMap(): Promise<?SourceMap>;
/** Returns a buffer representation of the source map, if available. */
getMapBuffer(): Promise<?Buffer>;
/** Returns a list of dependencies for the asset. */
getDependencies(): $ReadOnlyArray<Dependency>;
* A mutable Asset, available during transformation.
* @section transformer
export interface MutableAsset extends BaseAsset {
* The asset's type. This initially corresponds to the source file extension,
* but it may be changed during transformation.
type: string;
* Controls which bundle the asset is placed into.
* - inline: The asset will be placed into a new inline bundle. Inline bundles are not written
* to a separate file, but embedded into the parent bundle.
* - isolated: The asset will be isolated from its parents in a separate bundle. Shared assets
* will be duplicated.
bundleBehavior: ?BundleBehavior;
* If the asset is used as a bundle entry, this controls whether that bundle can be split
* into multiple, or whether all of the dependencies must be placed in a single bundle.
* @default true
isBundleSplittable: boolean;
* Whether this asset can be omitted if none of its exports are being used.
* This is initially set by the resolver, but can be overridden by transformers.
sideEffects: boolean;
/** The symbols that the asset exports. */
+symbols: MutableAssetSymbols;
/** Adds a dependency to the asset. */
addDependency(DependencyOptions): string;
* Adds a url dependency to the asset.
* This is a shortcut for addDependency that sets the specifierType to 'url' and priority to 'lazy'.
addURLDependency(url: string, opts: $Shape<DependencyOptions>): string;
/** Invalidates the transformation when the given file is modified or deleted. */
invalidateOnFileChange(FilePath): void;
/** Invalidates the transformation when matched files are created. */
invalidateOnFileCreate(FileCreateInvalidation): void;
/** Invalidates the transformation when the given environment variable changes. */
invalidateOnEnvChange(string): void;
/** Sets the asset contents as a string. */
setCode(string): void;
/** Sets the asset contents as a buffer. */
setBuffer(Buffer): void;
/** Sets the asset contents as a stream. */
setStream(Readable): void;
/** Returns whether the AST has been modified. */
setAST(AST): void;
/** Sets the asset's AST. */
isASTDirty(): boolean;
/** Sets the asset's source map. */
setMap(?SourceMap): void;
setEnvironment(opts: EnvironmentOptions): void;
* An immutable Asset, available after transformation.
* @section transformer
export interface Asset extends BaseAsset {
/** Statistics about the asset. */
+stats: Stats;
export type DevDepOptions = {|
specifier: DependencySpecifier,
resolveFrom: FilePath,
range?: ?SemverRange,
* When this dev dependency is invalidated, also invalidate these dependencies.
* This is useful if the parcel plugin or another parent dependency
* has its own cache for this dev dependency other than Node's require cache.
additionalInvalidations?: Array<{|
specifier: DependencySpecifier,
resolveFrom: FilePath,
range?: ?SemverRange,
* @section transformer
export interface Config {
* Whether this config is part of the project, and not an external dependency (e.g. in node_modules).
* This indicates that transformation using the project's configuration should be applied.
+isSource: boolean;
/** The path of the file to start searching for config from. */
+searchPath: FilePath;
/** The environment */
+env: Environment;
/** Invalidates the config when the given file is modified or deleted. */
invalidateOnFileChange(FilePath): void;
/** Invalidates the config when matched files are created. */
invalidateOnFileCreate(FileCreateInvalidation): void;
/** Invalidates the config when the given environment variable changes. */
invalidateOnEnvChange(string): void;
/** Invalidates the config when Parcel restarts. */
invalidateOnStartup(): void;
* Adds a dev dependency to the config. If the dev dependency or any of its
* dependencies change, the config will be invalidated.
addDevDependency(DevDepOptions): void;
* Sets the cache key for the config. By default, this is computed as a hash of the
* files passed to invalidateOnFileChange or loaded by getConfig. If none, then a
* hash of the result returned from loadConfig is used. This method can be used to
* override this behavior and explicitly control the cache key. This can be useful
* in cases where only part of a file is used to avoid unnecessary invalidations,
* or when the result is not hashable (i.e. contains non-serializable properties like functions).
setCacheKey(string): void;
* Searches for config files with the given names in all parent directories
* of the config's searchPath.
filePaths: Array<FilePath>,
options: ?{|
packageKey?: string,
parse?: boolean,
exclude?: boolean,
): Promise<?ConfigResultWithFilePath<T>>;
* Searches for config files with the given names in all parent directories
* of the passed searchPath.
searchPath: FilePath,
filePaths: Array<FilePath>,
options: ?{|
packageKey?: string,
parse?: boolean,
exclude?: boolean,
): Promise<?ConfigResultWithFilePath<T>>;
/** Finds the nearest package.json from the config's searchPath. */
getPackage(): Promise<?PackageJSON>;
export type Stats = {|
time: number,
size: number,
* @section transformer
export type GenerateOutput = {|
+content: Blob,
+map?: ?SourceMap,
export type Blob = string | Buffer | Readable;
* Transformers can return multiple result objects to create new assets.
* For example, a file may contain multiple parts of different types,
* which should be processed by their respective transformation pipelines.
* @section transformer
export type TransformerResult = {|
/** The asset's type. */
+type: string,
/** The content of the asset. Either content or an AST is required. */
+content?: ?Blob,
/** The asset's AST. Either content or an AST is required. */
+ast?: ?AST,
/** The source map for the asset. */
+map?: ?SourceMap,
/** The dependencies of the asset. */
+dependencies?: $ReadOnlyArray<DependencyOptions>,
/** The environment of the asset. The options are merged with the input asset's environment. */
+env?: EnvironmentOptions,
* Controls which bundle the asset is placed into.
* - inline: The asset will be placed into a new inline bundle. Inline bundles are not written
* to a separate file, but embedded into the parent bundle.
* - isolated: The asset will be isolated from its parents in a separate bundle. Shared assets
* will be duplicated.
+bundleBehavior?: ?BundleBehavior,
* If the asset is used as a bundle entry, this controls whether that bundle can be split
* into multiple, or whether all of the dependencies must be placed in a single bundle.
+isBundleSplittable?: boolean,
/** Plugin-specific metadata for the asset. */
+meta?: Meta,
/** The pipeline defined in .parcelrc that the asset should be processed with. */
+pipeline?: ?string,
* Whether this asset can be omitted if none of its exports are being used.
* This is initially set by the resolver, but can be overridden by transformers.
+sideEffects?: boolean,
/** The symbols that the asset exports. */
+symbols?: $ReadOnlyMap<Symbol, {|local: Symbol, loc: ?SourceLocation|}>,
* When a transformer returns multiple assets, it can give them unique keys to identify them.
* This can be used to find assets during packaging, or to create dependencies between multiple
* assets returned by a transformer by using the unique key as the dependency specifier.
+uniqueKey?: ?string,
export type Async<T> = T | Promise<T>;
export interface PluginLogger {
/** Logs a diagnostic at the verbose log level. */
diagnostic: DiagnosticWithoutOrigin | Array<DiagnosticWithoutOrigin>,
): void;
/** Logs a diagnostic at the info log level. */
diagnostic: DiagnosticWithoutOrigin | Array<DiagnosticWithoutOrigin>,
): void;
/** Synonym for */
diagnostic: DiagnosticWithoutOrigin | Array<DiagnosticWithoutOrigin>,
): void;
/** Logs a diagnostic at the verbose warning log level. */
diagnostic: DiagnosticWithoutOrigin | Array<DiagnosticWithoutOrigin>,
): void;
/** Logs a diagnostic at the verbose error log level. */
| Diagnostifiable
| DiagnosticWithoutOrigin
| Array<DiagnosticWithoutOrigin>,
): void;
* @section transformer
export type ResolveFn = (from: FilePath, to: string) => Promise<FilePath>;
* @section validator
* @experimental
type ResolveConfigFn = (configNames: Array<FilePath>) => Promise<?FilePath>;
* @section validator
* @experimental
type ResolveConfigWithPathFn = (
configNames: Array<FilePath>,
assetFilePath: string,
) => Promise<?FilePath>;
* @section validator
* @experimental
export type ValidateResult = {|
warnings: Array<Diagnostic>,
errors: Array<Diagnostic>,
* @section validator
* @experimental
export type DedicatedThreadValidator = {|
validateAll: ({|
assets: Asset[],
resolveConfigWithPath: ResolveConfigWithPathFn,
options: PluginOptions,
logger: PluginLogger,
|}) => Async<Array<?ValidateResult>>,
* @section validator
* @experimental
export type MultiThreadValidator = {|
validate: ({|
asset: Asset,
config: ConfigResult | void,
options: PluginOptions,
logger: PluginLogger,
|}) => Async<ValidateResult | void>,
getConfig?: ({|
asset: Asset,
resolveConfig: ResolveConfigFn,
options: PluginOptions,
logger: PluginLogger,
|}) => Async<ConfigResult | void>,
* @section validator
export type Validator = DedicatedThreadValidator | MultiThreadValidator;
* The methods for a transformer plugin.
* @section transformer
export type Transformer<ConfigType> = {|
loadConfig?: ({|
config: Config,
options: PluginOptions,
logger: PluginLogger,
|}) => Promise<ConfigType> | ConfigType,
/** Whether an AST from a previous transformer can be reused (to prevent double-parsing) */
canReuseAST?: ({|
ast: AST,
options: PluginOptions,
logger: PluginLogger,
|}) => boolean,
/** Parse the contents into an ast */
parse?: ({|
asset: Asset,
config: ConfigType,
resolve: ResolveFn,
options: PluginOptions,
logger: PluginLogger,
|}) => Async<?AST>,
/** Transform the asset and/or add new assets */
asset: MutableAsset,
config: ConfigType,
resolve: ResolveFn,
options: PluginOptions,
logger: PluginLogger,
|}): Async<Array<TransformerResult | MutableAsset>>,
/** Stringify the AST */
generate?: ({|
asset: Asset,
ast: AST,
options: PluginOptions,
logger: PluginLogger,
|}) => Async<GenerateOutput>,
* Used to control a traversal
* @section bundler
export type TraversalActions = {|
/** Skip the current node's children and continue the traversal if there are other nodes in the queue. */
skipChildren(): void,
/** Stop the traversal */
stop(): void,
* Essentially GraphTraversalCallback, but allows adding specific node enter and exit callbacks.
* @section bundler
export type GraphVisitor<TNode, TContext> =
| GraphTraversalCallback<TNode, TContext>
| {|
enter?: GraphTraversalCallback<TNode, TContext>,
exit?: GraphTraversalCallback<TNode, TContext>,
* A generic callback for graph traversals
* @param context The parent node's return value is passed as a parameter to the children's callback. \
* This can be used to forward information from the parent to children in a DFS (unlike a global variable).
* @section bundler
export type GraphTraversalCallback<TNode, TContext> = (
node: TNode,
context: ?TContext,
actions: TraversalActions,
) => ?TContext;
* @section bundler
export type BundleTraversable =
| {|+type: 'asset', value: Asset|}
| {|+type: 'dependency', value: Dependency|};
* @section bundler
export type BundleGraphTraversable =
| {|+type: 'asset', value: Asset|}
| {|+type: 'dependency', value: Dependency|};
* Options for MutableBundleGraph's <code>createBundle</code>.
* If an <code>entryAsset</code> is provided, <code>uniqueKey</code> (for the bundle id),
* <code>type</code>, and <code>env</code> will be inferred from the <code>entryAsset</code>.
* If an <code>entryAsset</code> is not provided, <code>uniqueKey</code> (for the bundle id),
* <code>type</code>, and <code>env</code> must be provided.
* isSplittable defaults to <code>entryAsset.isSplittable</code> or <code>false</code>
* @section bundler
export type CreateBundleOpts =
// If an entryAsset is provided, a bundle id, type, and environment will be
// inferred from the entryAsset.
| {|
/** The entry asset of the bundle. If provided, many bundle properties will be inferred from it. */
+entryAsset: Asset,
/** The target of the bundle. Should come from the dependency that created the bundle. */
+target: Target,
* Indicates that the bundle's file name should be stable over time, even when the content of the bundle
* changes. This is useful for entries that a user would manually enter the URL for, as well as for things
* like service workers or RSS feeds, where the URL must remain consistent over time.
+needsStableName?: ?boolean,
* Controls the behavior of the bundle.
* to determine when the bundle is loaded.
* - inline: Inline bundles are not written to a separate file, but embedded into the parent bundle.
* - isolated: The bundle will be isolated from its parents. Shared assets will be duplicated.
+bundleBehavior?: ?BundleBehavior,
// If an entryAsset is not provided, a bundle id, type, and environment must
// be provided.
| {|
/** The type of the bundle. */
+type: string,
/** The environment of the bundle. */
+env: Environment,
/** A unique value for the bundle to be used in its id. */
+uniqueKey: string,
/** The target of the bundle. Should come from the dependency that created the bundle. */
+target: Target,
* Indicates that the bundle's file name should be stable over time, even when the content of the bundle
* changes. This is useful for entries that a user would manually enter the URL for, as well as for things
* like service workers or RSS feeds, where the URL must remain consistent over time.
+needsStableName?: ?boolean,
* Controls the behavior of the bundle.
* to determine when the bundle is loaded.
* - inline: Inline bundles are not written to a separate file, but embedded into the parent bundle.
* - isolated: The bundle will be isolated from its parents. Shared assets will be duplicated.
+bundleBehavior?: ?BundleBehavior,
* Whether the bundle can be split. If false, then all dependencies of the bundle will be kept
* internal to the bundle, rather than referring to other bundles. This may result in assets
* being duplicated between multiple bundles, but can be useful for things like server side rendering.
+isSplittable?: ?boolean,
/** The bundle's pipeline, to be used for optimization. Usually based on the pipeline of the entry asset. */
+pipeline?: ?string,
* Specifies a symbol in an asset
* @section packager
export type SymbolResolution = {|
/** The Asset which exports the symbol. */
+asset: Asset,
/** under which name the symbol is exported */
+exportSymbol: Symbol | string,
/** The identifier under which the symbol can be referenced. */
+symbol: void | null | false | Symbol,
/** The location of the specifier that lead to this result. */
+loc: ?SourceLocation,
* @section packager
export type ExportSymbolResolution = {|
+exportAs: Symbol | string,
* A Bundle (a collection of assets)
* @section bundler
export interface Bundle {
/** The bundle id. */
+id: string;
/** The type of the bundle. */
+type: string;
/** The environment of the bundle. */
+env: Environment;
/** The bundle's target. */
+target: Target;
/** Assets that run when the bundle is loaded (e.g. runtimes could be added). VERIFY */
* Indicates that the bundle's file name should be stable over time, even when the content of the bundle
* changes. This is useful for entries that a user would manually enter the URL for, as well as for things
* like service workers or RSS feeds, where the URL must remain consistent over time.
+needsStableName: ?boolean;
* Controls the behavior of the bundle.
* to determine when the bundle is loaded.
* - inline: Inline bundles are not written to a separate file, but embedded into the parent bundle.
* - isolated: The bundle will be isolated from its parents. Shared assets will be duplicated.
+bundleBehavior: ?BundleBehavior;
* Whether the bundle can be split. If false, then all dependencies of the bundle will be kept
* internal to the bundle, rather than referring to other bundles. This may result in assets
* being duplicated between multiple bundles, but can be useful for things like server side rendering.
+isSplittable: ?boolean;
* A placeholder for the bundle's content hash that can be used in the bundle's name or the contents of another
* bundle. Hash references are replaced with a content hash of the bundle after packaging and optimizing.
+hashReference: string;
* Returns the assets that are executed immediately when the bundle is loaded.
* Some bundles may not have any entry assets, for example, shared bundles.
getEntryAssets(): Array<Asset>;
* Returns the main entry of the bundle, which will provide the bundle's exports.
* Some bundles do not have a main entry, for example, shared bundles.
getMainEntry(): ?Asset;
/** Returns whether the bundle includes the given asset. */
hasAsset(Asset): boolean;
/** Returns whether the bundle includes the given dependency. */
hasDependency(Dependency): boolean;
/** Traverses the assets in the bundle. */
traverseAssets<TContext>(visit: GraphVisitor<Asset, TContext>): ?TContext;
/** Traverses assets and dependencies in the bundle. */
visit: GraphVisitor<BundleTraversable, TContext>,
): ?TContext;
* A Bundle that got named by a Namer
* @section bundler
export interface NamedBundle extends Bundle {
/** A shortened version of the bundle id that is used to refer to the bundle at runtime. */
+publicId: string;
* The bundle's name. This is a file path relative to the bundle's target directory.
* The bundle name may include a hash reference, but not the final content hash.
+name: string;
/** A version of the bundle's name with hash references removed for display. */
+displayName: string;
export interface PackagedBundle extends NamedBundle {
/** The absolute file path of the written bundle, including the final content hash if any. */
+filePath: FilePath;
/** Statistics about the bundle. */
+stats: Stats;
* A collection of sibling bundles (which are stored in the BundleGraph) that should be loaded together (in order).
* @section bundler
export interface BundleGroup {
/** The target of the bundle group. */
+target: Target;
/** The id of the entry asset in the bundle group, which is executed immediately when the bundle group is loaded. */
+entryAssetId: string;
* A BundleGraph in the Bundler that can be modified
* @section bundler
* @experimental
export interface MutableBundleGraph extends BundleGraph<Bundle> {
/** Add asset and all child nodes to the bundle. */
shouldSkipDependency?: (Dependency) => boolean,
): void;
shouldSkipDependency?: (Dependency) => boolean,
): void;
addBundleToBundleGroup(Bundle, BundleGroup): void;
createAssetReference(Dependency, Asset, Bundle): void;
createBundleReference(Bundle, Bundle): void;
createBundle(CreateBundleOpts): Bundle;
/** Turns an edge (Dependency -> Asset-s) into (Dependency -> BundleGroup -> Asset-s) */
createBundleGroup(Dependency, Target): BundleGroup;
getDependencyAssets(Dependency): Array<Asset>;
getParentBundlesOfBundleGroup(BundleGroup): Array<Bundle>;
getTotalSize(Asset): number;
/** Remove all "contains" edges from the bundle to the nodes in the asset's subgraph. */
removeAssetGraphFromBundle(Asset, Bundle): void;
removeBundleGroup(bundleGroup: BundleGroup): void;
/** Turns a dependency to a different bundle into a dependency to an asset inside <code>bundle</code>. */
internalizeAsyncDependency(bundle: Bundle, dependency: Dependency): void;
* A Graph that contains Bundle-s, Asset-s, Dependency-s, BundleGroup-s
* @section bundler
export interface BundleGraph<TBundle: Bundle> {
/** Retrieves an asset by id. */
getAssetById(id: string): Asset;
/** Returns the public (short) id for an asset. */
getAssetPublicId(asset: Asset): string;
/** Returns a list of bundles in the bundle graph. By default, inline bundles are excluded. */
getBundles(opts?: {|includeInline: boolean|}): Array<TBundle>;
/** Traverses the assets and dependencies in the bundle graph, in depth first order. */
traverse<TContext>(GraphVisitor<BundleGraphTraversable, TContext>): ?TContext;
/** Traverses all bundles in the bundle graph, including inline bundles, in depth first order. */
visit: GraphVisitor<TBundle, TContext>,
startBundle: ?Bundle,
): ?TContext;
/** Returns a list of bundle groups that load the given bundle. */
getBundleGroupsContainingBundle(bundle: Bundle): Array<BundleGroup>;
/** Returns a list of bundles that load together in the given bundle group. */
bundleGroup: BundleGroup,
opts?: {|includeInline: boolean|},
): Array<TBundle>;
/** Returns a list of bundles that this bundle loads asynchronously. */
getChildBundles(bundle: Bundle): Array<TBundle>;
/** Returns a list of bundles that load this bundle asynchronously. */
getParentBundles(bundle: Bundle): Array<TBundle>;
/** Returns whether the bundle was loaded by another bundle of the given type. */
hasParentBundleOfType(bundle: Bundle, type: string): boolean;
/** Returns a list of bundles that are referenced by this bundle. By default, inline bundles are excluded. */
bundle: Bundle,
opts?: {|recursive?: boolean, includeInline?: boolean|},
): Array<TBundle>;
/** Get the dependencies that the asset requires */
getDependencies(asset: Asset): Array<Dependency>;
/** Get the dependencies that require the asset */
getIncomingDependencies(asset: Asset): Array<Dependency>;
/** Get the asset that created the dependency. */
getAssetWithDependency(dep: Dependency): ?Asset;
/** Returns whether the given bundle group is an entry. */
isEntryBundleGroup(bundleGroup: BundleGroup): boolean;
* Returns undefined if the specified dependency was excluded or wasn't async \
* and otherwise the BundleGroup or Asset that the dependency resolves to.
dependency: Dependency,
bundle: ?Bundle,
): ?(
| {|type: 'bundle_group', value: BundleGroup|}
| {|type: 'asset', value: Asset|}
/** Returns whether a dependency was excluded because it had no used symbols. */
isDependencySkipped(dependency: Dependency): boolean;
* Returns the asset that the dependency resolved to.
* If a bundle is given, assets in that bundle are preferred.
* Returns null if the dependency was excluded.
getResolvedAsset(dependency: Dependency, bundle: ?Bundle): ?Asset;
/** Returns the bundle that a dependency in a given bundle references, if any. */
getReferencedBundle(dependency: Dependency, bundle: Bundle): ?TBundle;
/** Returns a list of bundles that contain the given asset. */
getBundlesWithAsset(Asset): Array<TBundle>;
/** Returns a list of bundles that contain the given dependency. */
getBundlesWithDependency(Dependency): Array<TBundle>;
* Returns whether the given asset is reachable in a sibling, or all possible
* ancestries of the given bundle. This indicates that the asset may be excluded
* from the given bundle.
isAssetReachableFromBundle(asset: Asset, bundle: Bundle): boolean;
/** Returns whether an asset is referenced outside the given bundle. */
isAssetReferenced(bundle: Bundle, asset: Asset): boolean;
* Resolves the export `symbol` of `asset` to the source,
* stopping at the first asset after leaving `bundle`.
* `symbol === null`: bailout (== caller should do `asset.exports[exportsSymbol]`)
* `symbol === undefined`: symbol not found
* `symbol === false`: skipped
* <code>asset</code> exports <code>symbol</code>, try to find the asset where the \
* corresponding variable lives (resolves re-exports). Stop resolving transitively once \
* <code>boundary</code> was left (<code>bundle.hasAsset(asset) === false</code>), then <code>result.symbol</code> is undefined.
asset: Asset,
symbol: Symbol,
boundary: ?Bundle,
): SymbolResolution;
/** Returns a list of symbols that are exported by the asset, including re-exports. */
asset: Asset,
boundary: ?Bundle,
): Array<ExportSymbolResolution>;
* Returns a list of symbols from an asset or dependency that are referenced by a dependent asset.
* Returns null if symbol propagation didn't run (so the result is unknown).
getUsedSymbols(Asset | Dependency): ?$ReadOnlySet<Symbol>;
/** Returns the common root directory for the entry assets of a target. */
getEntryRoot(target: Target): FilePath;
* @section bundler
export type BundleResult = {|
+contents: Blob,
+ast?: AST,
+map?: ?SourceMap,
+type?: string,
export type GlobInvalidation = {|
glob: Glob,
export type FileInvalidation = {|
filePath: FilePath,
export type FileAboveInvalidation = {|
fileName: string,
aboveFilePath: FilePath,
export type FileCreateInvalidation =
| FileInvalidation
| GlobInvalidation
| FileAboveInvalidation;
* @section resolver
export type ResolveResult = {|
/** An absolute path to the resolved file. */
+filePath?: FilePath,
/** An optional named pipeline to use to compile the resolved file. */
+pipeline?: ?string,
/** Query parameters to be used by transformers when compiling the resolved file. */
+query?: URLSearchParams,
/** Whether the resolved file should be excluded from the build. */
+isExcluded?: boolean,
/** Overrides the priority set on the dependency. */
+priority?: DependencyPriority,
/** Corresponds to BaseAsset's <code>sideEffects</code>. */
+sideEffects?: boolean,
/** The code of the resolved asset. If provided, this is used rather than reading the file from disk. */
+code?: string,
/** Whether this dependency can be deferred by Parcel itself (true by default). */
+canDefer?: boolean,
/** A resolver might return diagnostics to also run subsequent resolvers while still providing a reason why it failed. */
+diagnostics?: Diagnostic | Array<Diagnostic>,
/** Is spread (shallowly merged) onto the request's dependency.meta */
+meta?: JSONObject,
/** A list of file paths or patterns that should invalidate the resolution if created. */
+invalidateOnFileCreate?: Array<FileCreateInvalidation>,
/** A list of files that should invalidate the resolution if modified or deleted. */
+invalidateOnFileChange?: Array<FilePath>,
* Turns an asset graph into a BundleGraph.
* bundle and optimize run in series and are functionally identitical.
* @section bundler
export type Bundler<ConfigType> = {|
loadConfig?: ({|
config: Config,
options: PluginOptions,
logger: PluginLogger,
|}) => Promise<ConfigType> | ConfigType,
bundleGraph: MutableBundleGraph,
config: ConfigType,
options: PluginOptions,
logger: PluginLogger,
|}): Async<void>,
bundleGraph: MutableBundleGraph,
config: ConfigType,
options: PluginOptions,
logger: PluginLogger,
|}): Async<void>,
* @section namer
export type Namer<ConfigType> = {|
loadConfig?: ({|
config: Config,
options: PluginOptions,
logger: PluginLogger,
|}) => Promise<ConfigType> | ConfigType,
/** Return a filename/-path for <code>bundle</code> or nullish to leave it to the next namer plugin. */
bundle: Bundle,
bundleGraph: BundleGraph<Bundle>,
config: ConfigType,
options: PluginOptions,
logger: PluginLogger,
|}): Async<?FilePath>,
* A "synthetic" asset that will be inserted into the bundle graph.
* @section runtime
export type RuntimeAsset = {|
+filePath: FilePath,
+code: string,
+dependency?: Dependency,
+isEntry?: boolean,
+env?: EnvironmentOptions,
* @section runtime
export type Runtime<ConfigType> = {|
loadConfig?: ({|
config: Config,
options: PluginOptions,
logger: PluginLogger,
|}) => Promise<ConfigType> | ConfigType,
bundle: NamedBundle,
bundleGraph: BundleGraph<NamedBundle>,
config: ConfigType,
options: PluginOptions,
logger: PluginLogger,
|}): Async<void | RuntimeAsset | Array<RuntimeAsset>>,
* @section packager
export type Packager<ConfigType> = {|
loadConfig?: ({|
config: Config,
options: PluginOptions,
logger: PluginLogger,
|}) => Promise<ConfigType> | ConfigType,
bundle: NamedBundle,
bundleGraph: BundleGraph<NamedBundle>,
options: PluginOptions,
logger: PluginLogger,
config: ConfigType,
getInlineBundleContents: (
) => Async<{|contents: Blob|}>,
getSourceMapReference: (map: ?SourceMap) => Async<?string>,
|}): Async<BundleResult>,
* @section optimizer
export type Optimizer<ConfigType> = {|
loadConfig?: ({|
config: Config,
options: PluginOptions,
logger: PluginLogger,
|}) => Promise<ConfigType> | ConfigType,
bundle: NamedBundle,
bundleGraph: BundleGraph<NamedBundle>,
contents: Blob,
map: ?SourceMap,
options: PluginOptions,
logger: PluginLogger,
config: ConfigType,
getSourceMapReference: (map: ?SourceMap) => Async<?string>,
|}): Async<BundleResult>,
* @section compressor
export type Compressor = {|
stream: Readable,
options: PluginOptions,
logger: PluginLogger,
|}): Async<{|
stream: Readable,
type?: string,
* @section resolver
export type Resolver = {|
dependency: Dependency,
options: PluginOptions,
logger: PluginLogger,
specifier: FilePath,
pipeline: ?string,
|}): Async<?ResolveResult>,
* @section reporter
export type ProgressLogEvent = {|
+type: 'log',
+level: 'progress',
+phase?: string,
+message: string,
* A log event with a rich diagnostic
* @section reporter
export type DiagnosticLogEvent = {|
+type: 'log',
+level: 'error' | 'warn' | 'info' | 'verbose',
+diagnostics: Array<Diagnostic>,
* @section reporter
export type TextLogEvent = {|
+type: 'log',
+level: 'success',
+message: string,
* @section reporter
export type LogEvent = ProgressLogEvent | DiagnosticLogEvent | TextLogEvent;
* The build just started.
* @section reporter
export type BuildStartEvent = {|
+type: 'buildStart',
* The build just started in watch mode.
* @section reporter
export type WatchStartEvent = {|
+type: 'watchStart',
* The build just ended in watch mode.
* @section reporter
export type WatchEndEvent = {|
+type: 'watchEnd',
* A new Dependency is being resolved.
* @section reporter
export type ResolvingProgressEvent = {|
+type: 'buildProgress',
+phase: 'resolving',
+dependency: Dependency,
* A new Asset is being transformed.
* @section reporter
export type TransformingProgressEvent = {|
+type: 'buildProgress',
+phase: 'transforming',
+filePath: FilePath,
* The BundleGraph is generated.
* @section reporter
export type BundlingProgressEvent = {|
+type: 'buildProgress',
+phase: 'bundling',
* A new Bundle is being packaged.
* @section reporter
export type PackagingProgressEvent = {|
+type: 'buildProgress',
+phase: 'packaging',
+bundle: NamedBundle,
* A new Bundle is being optimized.
* @section reporter
export type OptimizingProgressEvent = {|
+type: 'buildProgress',
+phase: 'optimizing',
+bundle: NamedBundle,
* @section reporter
export type BuildProgressEvent =
| ResolvingProgressEvent
| TransformingProgressEvent
| BundlingProgressEvent
| PackagingProgressEvent
| OptimizingProgressEvent;
* The build was successful.
* @section reporter
export type BuildSuccessEvent = {|
+type: 'buildSuccess',
+bundleGraph: BundleGraph<PackagedBundle>,
+buildTime: number,
+changedAssets: Map<string, Asset>,
+requestBundle: (bundle: NamedBundle) => Promise<BuildSuccessEvent>,
* The build failed.
* @section reporter
export type BuildFailureEvent = {|
+type: 'buildFailure',
+diagnostics: Array<Diagnostic>,
* @section reporter
export type BuildEvent = BuildFailureEvent | BuildSuccessEvent;
* A new file is being validated.
* @section reporter
export type ValidationEvent = {|
+type: 'validation',
+filePath: FilePath,
* @section reporter
export type ReporterEvent =
| LogEvent
| BuildStartEvent
| BuildProgressEvent
| BuildSuccessEvent
| BuildFailureEvent
| WatchStartEvent
| WatchEndEvent
| ValidationEvent;
* @section reporter
export type Reporter = {|
event: ReporterEvent,
options: PluginOptions,
logger: PluginLogger,
|}): Async<void>,
export interface ErrorWithCode extends Error {
+code?: string;
export interface IDisposable {
dispose(): mixed;
export type AsyncSubscription = {|
unsubscribe(): Promise<mixed>,