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// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* This file provides additional API on top of the default one for making
* API calls, which come from embedder C++ functions. The functions are being
* called directly from optimized code, doing all the necessary typechecks
* in the compiler itself, instead of on the embedder side. Hence the "fast"
* in the name. Example usage might look like:
* \code
* void FastMethod(int param, bool another_param);
* v8::FunctionTemplate::New(isolate, SlowCallback, data,
* signature, length, constructor_behavior
* side_effect_type,
* &v8::CFunction::Make(FastMethod));
* \endcode
* By design, fast calls are limited by the following requirements, which
* the embedder should enforce themselves:
* - they should not allocate on the JS heap;
* - they should not trigger JS execution.
* To enforce them, the embedder could use the existing
* v8::Isolate::DisallowJavascriptExecutionScope and a utility similar to
* Blink's NoAllocationScope:
* Due to these limitations, it's not directly possible to report errors by
* throwing a JS exception or to otherwise do an allocation. There is an
* alternative way of creating fast calls that supports falling back to the
* slow call and then performing the necessary allocation. When one creates
* the fast method by using CFunction::MakeWithFallbackSupport instead of
* CFunction::Make, the fast callback gets as last parameter an output variable,
* through which it can request falling back to the slow call. So one might
* declare their method like:
* \code
* void FastMethodWithFallback(int param, FastApiCallbackOptions& options);
* \endcode
* If the callback wants to signal an error condition or to perform an
* allocation, it must set options.fallback to true and do an early return from
* the fast method. Then V8 checks the value of options.fallback and if it's
* true, falls back to executing the SlowCallback, which is capable of reporting
* the error (either by throwing a JS exception or logging to the console) or
* doing the allocation. It's the embedder's responsibility to ensure that the
* fast callback is idempotent up to the point where error and fallback
* conditions are checked, because otherwise executing the slow callback might
* produce visible side-effects twice.
* An example for custom embedder type support might employ a way to wrap/
* unwrap various C++ types in JSObject instances, e.g:
* \code
* // Helper method with a check for field count.
* template <typename T, int offset>
* inline T* GetInternalField(v8::Local<v8::Object> wrapper) {
* assert(offset < wrapper->InternalFieldCount());
* return reinterpret_cast<T*>(
* wrapper->GetAlignedPointerFromInternalField(offset));
* }
* class CustomEmbedderType {
* public:
* // Returns the raw C object from a wrapper JS object.
* static CustomEmbedderType* Unwrap(v8::Local<v8::Object> wrapper) {
* return GetInternalField<CustomEmbedderType,
* kV8EmbedderWrapperObjectIndex>(wrapper);
* }
* static void FastMethod(v8::Local<v8::Object> receiver_obj, int param) {
* CustomEmbedderType* receiver = static_cast<CustomEmbedderType*>(
* receiver_obj->GetAlignedPointerFromInternalField(
* kV8EmbedderWrapperObjectIndex));
* // Type checks are already done by the optimized code.
* // Then call some performance-critical method like:
* // receiver->Method(param);
* }
* static void SlowMethod(
* const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
* v8::Local<v8::Object> instance =
* v8::Local<v8::Object>::Cast(info.Holder());
* CustomEmbedderType* receiver = Unwrap(instance);
* // TODO: Do type checks and extract {param}.
* receiver->Method(param);
* }
* };
* // TODO(mslekova): Clean-up these constants
* // The constants kV8EmbedderWrapperTypeIndex and
* // kV8EmbedderWrapperObjectIndex describe the offsets for the type info
* // struct and the native object, when expressed as internal field indices
* // within a JSObject. The existance of this helper function assumes that
* // all embedder objects have their JSObject-side type info at the same
* // offset, but this is not a limitation of the API itself. For a detailed
* // use case, see the third example.
* static constexpr int kV8EmbedderWrapperTypeIndex = 0;
* static constexpr int kV8EmbedderWrapperObjectIndex = 1;
* // The following setup function can be templatized based on
* // the {embedder_object} argument.
* void SetupCustomEmbedderObject(v8::Isolate* isolate,
* v8::Local<v8::Context> context,
* CustomEmbedderType* embedder_object) {
* isolate->set_embedder_wrapper_type_index(
* kV8EmbedderWrapperTypeIndex);
* isolate->set_embedder_wrapper_object_index(
* kV8EmbedderWrapperObjectIndex);
* v8::CFunction c_func =
* MakeV8CFunction(CustomEmbedderType::FastMethod);
* Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> method_template =
* v8::FunctionTemplate::New(
* isolate, CustomEmbedderType::SlowMethod, v8::Local<v8::Value>(),
* v8::Local<v8::Signature>(), 1, v8::ConstructorBehavior::kAllow,
* v8::SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect, &c_func);
* v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate> object_template =
* v8::ObjectTemplate::New(isolate);
* object_template->SetInternalFieldCount(
* kV8EmbedderWrapperObjectIndex + 1);
* object_template->Set(isolate, "method", method_template);
* // Instantiate the wrapper JS object.
* v8::Local<v8::Object> object =
* object_template->NewInstance(context).ToLocalChecked();
* object->SetAlignedPointerInInternalField(
* kV8EmbedderWrapperObjectIndex,
* reinterpret_cast<void*>(embedder_object));
* // TODO: Expose {object} where it's necessary.
* }
* \endcode
* For instance if {object} is exposed via a global "obj" variable,
* one could write in JS:
* function hot_func() {
* obj.method(42);
* }
* and once {hot_func} gets optimized, CustomEmbedderType::FastMethod
* will be called instead of the slow version, with the following arguments:
* receiver := the {embedder_object} from above
* param := 42
* Currently supported return types:
* - void
* - bool
* - int32_t
* - uint32_t
* - float32_t
* - float64_t
* Currently supported argument types:
* - pointer to an embedder type
* - bool
* - int32_t
* - uint32_t
* - int64_t
* - uint64_t
* - float32_t
* - float64_t
* The 64-bit integer types currently have the IDL (unsigned) long long
* semantics:
* In the future we'll extend the API to also provide conversions from/to
* BigInt to preserve full precision.
* The floating point types currently have the IDL (unrestricted) semantics,
* which is the only one used by WebGL. We plan to add support also for
* restricted floats/doubles, similarly to the BigInt conversion policies.
* We also differ from the specific NaN bit pattern that WebIDL prescribes
* ( in that Blink
* passes NaN values as-is, i.e. doesn't normalize them.
* To be supported types:
* - arrays of C types
* - arrays of embedder types
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include "v8.h" // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
#include "v8config.h" // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
namespace v8 {
class Isolate;
class CTypeInfo {
enum class Type : uint8_t {
kApiObject, // This will be deprecated once all users have
// migrated from v8::ApiObject to v8::Local<v8::Value>.
// kCallbackOptionsType is not part of the Type enum
// because it is only used internally. Use value 255 that is larger
// than any valid Type enum.
static constexpr Type kCallbackOptionsType = Type(255);
enum class Flags : uint8_t {
kNone = 0,
explicit constexpr CTypeInfo(Type type, Flags flags = Flags::kNone)
: type_(type), flags_(flags) {}
constexpr Type GetType() const { return type_; }
constexpr Flags GetFlags() const { return flags_; }
Type type_;
Flags flags_;
class V8_EXPORT CFunctionInfo {
// Construct a struct to hold a CFunction's type information.
// |return_info| describes the function's return type.
// |arg_info| is an array of |arg_count| CTypeInfos describing the
// arguments. Only the last argument may be of the special type
// CTypeInfo::kCallbackOptionsType.
CFunctionInfo(const CTypeInfo& return_info, unsigned int arg_count,
const CTypeInfo* arg_info);
const CTypeInfo& ReturnInfo() const { return return_info_; }
// The argument count, not including the v8::FastApiCallbackOptions
// if present.
unsigned int ArgumentCount() const {
return HasOptions() ? arg_count_ - 1 : arg_count_;
// |index| must be less than ArgumentCount().
// Note: if the last argument passed on construction of CFunctionInfo
// has type CTypeInfo::kCallbackOptionsType, it is not included in
// ArgumentCount().
const CTypeInfo& ArgumentInfo(unsigned int index) const;
bool HasOptions() const {
// The options arg is always the last one.
return arg_count_ > 0 && arg_info_[arg_count_ - 1].GetType() ==
const CTypeInfo return_info_;
const unsigned int arg_count_;
const CTypeInfo* arg_info_;
class V8_EXPORT CFunction {
constexpr CFunction() : address_(nullptr), type_info_(nullptr) {}
const CTypeInfo& ReturnInfo() const { return type_info_->ReturnInfo(); }
const CTypeInfo& ArgumentInfo(unsigned int index) const {
return type_info_->ArgumentInfo(index);
unsigned int ArgumentCount() const { return type_info_->ArgumentCount(); }
const void* GetAddress() const { return address_; }
const CFunctionInfo* GetTypeInfo() const { return type_info_; }
template <typename F>
static CFunction Make(F* func) {
return ArgUnwrap<F*>::Make(func);
template <typename F>
V8_DEPRECATED("Use CFunctionBuilder instead.")
static CFunction MakeWithFallbackSupport(F* func) {
return ArgUnwrap<F*>::Make(func);
CFunction(const void* address, const CFunctionInfo* type_info);
const void* address_;
const CFunctionInfo* type_info_;
template <typename F>
class ArgUnwrap {
static_assert(sizeof(F) != sizeof(F),
"CFunction must be created from a function pointer.");
template <typename R, typename... Args>
class ArgUnwrap<R (*)(Args...)> {
static CFunction Make(R (*func)(Args...));
struct ApiObject {
uintptr_t address;
* A struct which may be passed to a fast call callback, like so:
* \code
* void FastMethodWithOptions(int param, FastApiCallbackOptions& options);
* \endcode
struct FastApiCallbackOptions {
* Creates a new instance of FastApiCallbackOptions for testing purpose. The
* returned instance may be filled with mock data.
static FastApiCallbackOptions CreateForTesting(Isolate* isolate) {
return {false, {0}};
* If the callback wants to signal an error condition or to perform an
* allocation, it must set options.fallback to true and do an early return
* from the fast method. Then V8 checks the value of options.fallback and if
* it's true, falls back to executing the SlowCallback, which is capable of
* reporting the error (either by throwing a JS exception or logging to the
* console) or doing the allocation. It's the embedder's responsibility to
* ensure that the fast callback is idempotent up to the point where error and
* fallback conditions are checked, because otherwise executing the slow
* callback might produce visible side-effects twice.
bool fallback;
* The `data` passed to the FunctionTemplate constructor, or `undefined`.
* `data_ptr` allows for default constructing FastApiCallbackOptions.
union {
uintptr_t data_ptr;
v8::Value data;
namespace internal {
// Helper to count the number of occurances of `T` in `List`
template <typename T, typename... List>
struct count : std::integral_constant<int, 0> {};
template <typename T, typename... Args>
struct count<T, T, Args...>
: std::integral_constant<std::size_t, 1 + count<T, Args...>::value> {};
template <typename T, typename U, typename... Args>
struct count<T, U, Args...> : count<T, Args...> {};
template <typename RetBuilder, typename... ArgBuilders>
class CFunctionInfoImpl : public CFunctionInfo {
static constexpr int kOptionsArgCount =
count<FastApiCallbackOptions&, ArgBuilders...>();
static constexpr int kReceiverCount = 1;
static_assert(kOptionsArgCount == 0 || kOptionsArgCount == 1,
"Only one options parameter is supported.");
static_assert(sizeof...(ArgBuilders) >= kOptionsArgCount + kReceiverCount,
"The receiver or the options argument is missing.");
constexpr CFunctionInfoImpl()
: CFunctionInfo(RetBuilder::Build(), sizeof...(ArgBuilders),
arg_info_storage_{ArgBuilders::Build()...} {
constexpr CTypeInfo::Type kReturnType = RetBuilder::Build().GetType();
static_assert(kReturnType == CTypeInfo::Type::kVoid ||
kReturnType == CTypeInfo::Type::kBool ||
kReturnType == CTypeInfo::Type::kInt32 ||
kReturnType == CTypeInfo::Type::kUint32 ||
kReturnType == CTypeInfo::Type::kFloat32 ||
kReturnType == CTypeInfo::Type::kFloat64,
"64-bit int and api object values are not currently "
"supported return types.");
const CTypeInfo arg_info_storage_[sizeof...(ArgBuilders)];
template <typename T>
struct TypeInfoHelper {
static_assert(sizeof(T) != sizeof(T), "This type is not supported");
template <> \
struct TypeInfoHelper<T> { \
static constexpr CTypeInfo::Flags Flags() { \
return CTypeInfo::Flags::kNone; \
} \
static constexpr CTypeInfo::Type Type() { return CTypeInfo::Type::Enum; } \
#define BASIC_C_TYPES(V) \
V(void, kVoid) \
V(bool, kBool) \
V(int32_t, kInt32) \
V(uint32_t, kUint32) \
V(int64_t, kInt64) \
V(uint64_t, kUint64) \
V(float, kFloat32) \
V(double, kFloat64) \
V(ApiObject, kApiObject) \
V(v8::Local<v8::Value>, kV8Value) \
V(v8::Local<v8::Object>, kV8Value)
// ApiObject was a temporary solution to wrap the pointer to the v8::Value.
// Please use v8::Local<v8::Value> in new code for the arguments and
// v8::Local<v8::Object> for the receiver, as ApiObject will be deprecated.
template <>
struct TypeInfoHelper<FastApiCallbackOptions&> {
static constexpr CTypeInfo::Flags Flags() { return CTypeInfo::Flags::kNone; }
static constexpr CTypeInfo::Type Type() {
return CTypeInfo::kCallbackOptionsType;
template <typename T, CTypeInfo::Flags... Flags>
class CTypeInfoBuilder {
using BaseType = T;
static constexpr CTypeInfo Build() {
// Get the flags and merge in any additional flags.
uint8_t flags = uint8_t(TypeInfoHelper<T>::Flags());
int unused[] = {0, (flags |= uint8_t(Flags), 0)...};
// With C++17, we could use a "..." fold expression over a parameter pack.
// Since we're still using C++14, we have to evaluate an OR expresion while
// constructing an unused list of 0's. This applies the binary operator
// for each value in Flags.
// Return the same type with the merged flags.
return CTypeInfo(TypeInfoHelper<T>::Type(), CTypeInfo::Flags(flags));
template <typename RetBuilder, typename... ArgBuilders>
class CFunctionBuilderWithFunction {
explicit constexpr CFunctionBuilderWithFunction(const void* fn) : fn_(fn) {}
template <CTypeInfo::Flags... Flags>
constexpr auto Ret() {
return CFunctionBuilderWithFunction<
CTypeInfoBuilder<typename RetBuilder::BaseType, Flags...>,
template <unsigned int N, CTypeInfo::Flags... Flags>
constexpr auto Arg() {
// Return a copy of the builder with the Nth arg builder merged with
// template parameter pack Flags.
return ArgImpl<N, Flags...>(
auto Build() {
static CFunctionInfoImpl<RetBuilder, ArgBuilders...> instance;
return CFunction(fn_, &instance);
template <bool Merge, unsigned int N, CTypeInfo::Flags... Flags>
struct GetArgBuilder;
// Returns the same ArgBuilder as the one at index N, including its flags.
// Flags in the template parameter pack are ignored.
template <unsigned int N, CTypeInfo::Flags... Flags>
struct GetArgBuilder<false, N, Flags...> {
using type =
typename std::tuple_element<N, std::tuple<ArgBuilders...>>::type;
// Returns an ArgBuilder with the same base type as the one at index N,
// but merges the flags with the flags in the template parameter pack.
template <unsigned int N, CTypeInfo::Flags... Flags>
struct GetArgBuilder<true, N, Flags...> {
using type = CTypeInfoBuilder<
typename std::tuple_element<N,
std::tuple_element<N, std::tuple<ArgBuilders...>>::type::Build()
// Return a copy of the CFunctionBuilder, but merges the Flags on ArgBuilder
// index N with the new Flags passed in the template parameter pack.
template <unsigned int N, CTypeInfo::Flags... Flags, size_t... I>
constexpr auto ArgImpl(std::index_sequence<I...>) {
return CFunctionBuilderWithFunction<
RetBuilder, typename GetArgBuilder<N == I, I, Flags...>::type...>(fn_);
const void* fn_;
class CFunctionBuilder {
constexpr CFunctionBuilder() {}
template <typename R, typename... Args>
constexpr auto Fn(R (*fn)(Args...)) {
return CFunctionBuilderWithFunction<CTypeInfoBuilder<R>,
reinterpret_cast<const void*>(fn));
} // namespace internal
// static
template <typename R, typename... Args>
CFunction CFunction::ArgUnwrap<R (*)(Args...)>::Make(R (*func)(Args...)) {
return internal::CFunctionBuilder().Fn(func).Build();
using CFunctionBuilder = internal::CFunctionBuilder;
} // namespace v8