Son CV dans un terminal web en Javascript!
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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var filename = process.argv[2] || './format.js'
, format = require(filename)
, printf = format.printf
function desc(x, indentLevel) {
indentLevel = indentLevel || 0;
var indent = new Array(indentLevel).join(' ');
if (typeof x == 'string' || (x && x.__proto__ == String.prototype)) {
return indent + '"' + x + '"';
else if (Array.isArray(x)) {
return indent + '[ ' +', ') + ' ]';
else {
return '' + x;
function assertFormat(args, expected) {
var fmt = args[0];
var result = format.format.apply(format, args);
if (result !== expected) {
console.log('FORMAT: "' + fmt + '"');
console.log('ARGS: ' + desc(args.slice(1)));
console.log('RESULT: "' + result + '"');
throw new Error('assertion failed, ' + result + ' !== ' + expected);
console.log('Testing format:');
var tests = [
[['hello'], 'hello'],
[['hello %s', 'sami'], 'hello sami'],
['b: %b\nc: %c\nd: %d\nf: %f\no: %o\ns: %s\nx: %x\nX: %X', 42, 65, 42*42, 42*42*42/1000000000, 255, 'sami', 0xfeedface, 0xc0ffee],
"b: 101010\nc: A\nd: 1764\nf: 0.000074\no: 0377\ns: sami\nx: 0xfeedface\nX: 0xC0FFEE"
[['%.2f', 3.14159], '3.14'],
[['%0.2f', 3.14159], '3.14'],
[['%.2f', 0.1234], '.12'],
[['%0.2f', 0.1234], '0.12'],
[['foo %j', 42], 'foo 42'],
[['foo %j', '42'], 'foo "42"']
tests.forEach(function(spec) {
var args = spec[0];
var expected = spec[1];
assertFormat(args, expected);
console.log('pass (format ' + args[0] + ' == ' + expected + ')');
console.log('all passed');