Le framework HUGO utilisé pour créer son CV en 2 minutes https://cv.gregandev.fr
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

401 lines
12 KiB

7 months ago
# Page settings
baseurl = "/"
languageCode = ['fr-fr', 'en-us']
title = "Grégory Lebreton"
theme = "hugo-orbit-theme"
defaultContentLanguage = "fr"
7 months ago
# Do not build files for websites. Need them? Set to false
disableRSS = true
disableSitemap = true
disable404 = true
3 years ago
7 months ago
################################# FRANCAIS #################################
languageName = "French"
weight = 1
7 months ago
# Meta
description = "Hugo Responsive Resume/CV Theme for Developers"
author = "Pavel Kanyshev"
# Theme styles
styles = "styles-2.css"
7 months ago
# Sidebar sections
# Profile section
7 months ago
name = "Grégory Lebreton"
tagline = "Ingénieur Devops"
7 months ago
avatar = "profile.png"
# Contact section
7 months ago
enable = true
7 months ago
class = "email"
icon = "fa-envelope"
url = "mailto: greg.lebreton@hotmail.com"
title = "greg.lebreton@hotmail.com"
7 months ago
7 months ago
class = "website"
icon = "fa-globe"
url = "//www.gregandev.fr"
title = "www.gregandev.fr"
7 months ago
7 months ago
class = "linkedin"
icon = "fa-linkedin"
url = "//linkedin.com/in/grégory-lebreton-996b261bb"
title = "linkedin"
7 months ago
7 months ago
class = "github"
icon = "fa-git"
url = "//git.gregandev.fr/gregandev"
title = "git.gregandev.fr"
# Education section
7 months ago
enable = true
title = "Diplômes"
7 months ago
icon = "fa-graduation-cap"
7 months ago
degree = "Spécialisation Devops"
college = "GT'm Ingéniérie"
dates = "Jan 2019 - Juil 2019"
7 months ago
degree = "Concepteur développeur informatiques"
college = "AFPA - Paris XII"
dates = "Jan 2017 - Jan 2018"
7 months ago
# Languages section
7 months ago
enable = true
title = "Langues"
7 months ago
icon = "fa-comments-o"
7 months ago
7 months ago
language = "Français"
level = "Maternelle"
7 months ago
language = "Anglais"
level = "Courant"
7 months ago
language = "Allemand"
level = "Professionel"
# Interests section
7 months ago
enable = true
title = "Interests"
7 months ago
icon = "fa-bicycle"
7 months ago
interest = "Cinema"
7 months ago
7 months ago
interest = "Skateboard"
interest = "Réalité virtuelle"
7 months ago
# Main body sections
# Summary section
7 months ago
enable = true
icon = "fa-user"
title = "Profile"
summary = "Je suis actuellement formateur technicien Informatique / DevOps au Garage Numérique en partenariat avec le Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers de Paris. En charge de l'administration des serveurs, je gère également les choix techniques ainsi que l'intégration des nouveaux services déployés."
7 months ago
# Experiences section
7 months ago
enable = true
icon = "fa-briefcase"
title = "Experiences"
position = "Administrateur Système / Formateur Devops"
dates = "Mar 2021 - Present"
company = "Le Garage Numérique, Paris"
details = ""
7 months ago
position = "Developpeur PHP Fullstack"
dates = "Dec 2017"
company = "Leading Frog, Magny-Le-Hongres"
details = "Développement module PHP (Front-end, Back-end) Formulaire JS et BDD Mysql / Intégration API Stripe de paiement en ligne / Mise en production avec intégration Logger"
7 months ago
# Projects section
7 months ago
enable = true
icon = "fa-archive"
title = "Projects"
intro = "**You can list your side projects or open source libraries in this section.** Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum et ligula in nunc bibendum fringilla a eu lectus"
title = "Garage AI"
7 months ago
url = "https://github.com/aerohub/hugrid"
tagline = "Grid theme for Hugo. It's a kind of boilerplate to perform anyone or anything quickly. Portfolio, collection, bookmarks, contacts and so on"
title = "HUGO Portfolio CI/CD"
7 months ago
url = "https://github.com/aerohub/hugo-faq-theme"
tagline = "Simple FAQ Theme for Hugo. You may use this theme for building very simple FAQs or note lists."
title = "Quiz Python Django"
7 months ago
url = "https://github.com/aerohub/hugo-identity-theme"
tagline = "Little profile/card-style template for Hugo."
7 months ago
title = "Orbit"
url = "https://github.com/aerohub/hugo-orbit-theme"
tagline = "Hugo Resume/CV Theme for Developers."
# Skills section
7 months ago
enable = true
icon = "fa-rocket"
title = "Skills & Proficiency"
skill = "Bash"
level = "95%"
7 months ago
skill = "Docker"
level = "95%"
7 months ago
7 months ago
skill = "Kubernetes"
level = "90%"
7 months ago
7 months ago
skill = "Python & Django"
level = "80%"
7 months ago
skill = "Java"
level = "70%"
7 months ago
7 months ago
skill = "Ansible"
level = "75%"
skill = "HTML5 & CSS"
level = "80%"
7 months ago
# Footer section
7 months ago
7 months ago
copyright = "Grégory Lebreton"
################################# ANGLAIS #################################
7 months ago
languageName = "English"
weight = 2
# Meta
description = "Hugo Responsive Resume/CV Theme for Developers"
author = "Pavel Kanyshev"
# Theme styles
styles = "styles-2.css"
# Sidebar sections
# Profile section
name = "Grégory Lebreton"
tagline = "Ingénieur Devops"
avatar = "profile.png"
# Contact section
enable = true
class = "email"
icon = "fa-envelope"
url = "mailto: greg.lebreton@hotmail.com"
title = "greg.lebreton@hotmail.com"
class = "website"
icon = "fa-globe"
url = "//www.gregandev.fr"
title = "www.gregandev.fr"
class = "linkedin"
icon = "fa-linkedin"
url = "//linkedin.com/in/grégory-lebreton-996b261bb"
title = "linkedin"
class = "github"
icon = "fa-git"
url = "//git.gregandev.fr/gregandev"
title = "git.gregandev.fr"
# Education section
enable = true
title = "Diplômes"
icon = "fa-graduation-cap"
degree = "Spécialisation Devops"
college = "GT'm Ingéniérie"
dates = "Jan 2019 - Juil 2019"
degree = "Concepteur développeur informatiques"
college = "AFPA - Paris XII"
dates = "Jan 2017 - Jan 2018"
# Languages section
enable = true
title = "Langues"
icon = "fa-comments-o"
language = "Français"
level = "Maternelle"
language = "Anglais"
level = "Courant"
language = "Allemand"
level = "Professionel"
# Interests section
enable = true
title = "Interests"
icon = "fa-bicycle"
interest = "Cinema"
interest = "Skateboard"
interest = "Réalité virtuelle"
# Main body sections
# Summary section
enable = true
icon = "fa-user"
title = "Profile"
summary = "Je suis actuellement formateur technicien Informatique / DevOps au Garage Numérique en partenariat avec le Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers de Paris. En charge de l'administration des serveurs, je gère également les choix techniques ainsi que l'intégration des nouveaux services déployés."
# Experiences section
enable = true
icon = "fa-briefcase"
title = "Experiences"
position = "Administrateur Système / Formateur Devops"
dates = "Mar 2021 - Present"
company = "Le Garage Numérique, Paris"
details = ""
position = "Developpeur PHP Fullstack"
dates = "Dec 2017"
company = "Leading.enog, Magny-Le-Hongres"
details = "Développement module PHP .enont-end, Back-end) Formulaire JS et BDD Mysql / Intégration API Stripe de paiement en ligne / Mise en production avec intégration Logger"
# Projects section
enable = true
icon = "fa-archive"
title = "Projects"
intro = "Th projects I am working on"
title = "Garage AI"
url = "https://github.com/aerohub/hugrid"
tagline = "Grid theme for Hugo. It's a kind of boilerplate to perform anyone or anything quickly. Portfolio, collection, bookmarks, contacts and so on"
title = "HUGO Portfolio CI/CD"
url = "https://github.com/aerohub/hugo-faq-theme"
tagline = "Simple FAQ Theme for Hugo. You may use this theme for building very simple FAQs or note lists."
title = "Quiz Python Django"
url = "https://github.com/aerohub/hugo-identity-theme"
tagline = "Little profile/card-style template for Hugo."
title = "Orbit"
url = "https://github.com/aerohub/hugo-orbit-theme"
tagline = "Hugo Resume/CV Theme for Developers."
# Skills section
enable = true
icon = "fa-rocket"
title = "Skills & Proficiency"
skill = "Bash"
level = "95%"
skill = "Docker"
level = "95%"
skill = "Kubernetes"
level = "90%"
skill = "Python & Django"
level = "80%"
skill = "Java"
level = "70%"
skill = "Ansible"
level = "75%"
skill = "HTML5 & CSS"
level = "80%"
# Footer section
copyright = "Grégory Lebreton"