Little helper to run CNCF's k3s in Docker
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4 years ago
# Changelog
## v5.2.0
### Features & Enhancements
- Improve image import performance (#826, @sbaier1)
- **New flag**: `k3d image import --mode [auto | direct | tools]`
- `tools` is the old default, which spawns a `k3d-tools` container for importing
- `auto` is the new default to automatically detect which mode should work best
- `direct` directly streams the images into the node containers without the `k3d-tools` container
- Enhanced usability of nodefilters & error messages for wrong usage (#871)
- **New command**: `k3d version list [k3s | k3d | k3d-proxy | k3d-tools]` to get image tags that can be used with k3d (#870)
- e.g. use `k3d version list k3s --format repo` to get the latest image available for K3s and use it via `k3d cluster create --image <image>`
- Docs: [docs/usage/commands/](./docs/usage/commands/
### Fixes
- cluster network: reserve IP extra IP for k3d-tools container in k3d-managed IPAM to avoid conflicts
- process the SimpleConfig before validating it to avoid early exit in hostnetwork mode (#860)
- error out if `K3D_FIX_DNS=1` is set and user tries to mount a file to `/etc/resolv.conf` (conflict)
- clusterStart: only run actions which are necessary given the start reason (e.g. `cluster start` vs. `cluster create`)
- fix injection of `host.k3d.internal` based on resolving `host.docker.internal` (#872)
- also now uses `host.docker.internal` in kubeconfig based on certain conditions (see PR)
### Misc
- tests/e2e: parellelize and cleanup tests -> cut execution speed in half (#848 & #849)
- also run some make targets in parallel
- new env var `E2E_PARALLEL=<int>` to configure parallelism
- test output is now redirected to files inside the runner and only the logs of failed tests will later be output
- Update dependencies, including docker, containerd & k8s
- docs: clarify usage of local registries with k3d
- docs: fix port numbers in registry usage guide
### Notes
- k3d v5.x.x requires at least docker version 20.10.4
## v5.1.0
### Features
- clusterCreate: `--image` option (also in config file) magic words to follow K3s channels (#841)
- `latest`/`stable` to follow latest/stable channels of K3s
- `+<channel>` (prefix `+`) where `<channel>` can as well be `latest` or `stable`, but also e.g. `v1.21`
- k3d will then check the K3s channel server to get the latest image for that channel
### Enhancements
- nodeHooks: add descriptions and log them for more verbosity (#843)
- `node create`: inject `host.k3d.internal` into `/etc/hosts` similar to the `cluster create` command (#843)
### Fix
- `--network host`: do not do any network magic (like `host.k3d.internal` injection, etc.) when `host` network is used (#844)
### Misc
- CI/Makefile: build with `-mod vendor`
- docs: document using some K3s features in k3d, including `servicelb`, `traefik`, `local-storage-provisioner` and `coredns` (#845)
## v5.0.3
### Enhancements & Fixes
- simplified way of getting a Docker API Client that works with Docker Contexts and `DOCKER_*` environment variable configuration (#829, @dragonflylee)
- fix: didn't honor `DOCKER_TLS` environment variables before
## v5.0.2
### Enhancements
- CoreDNS Configmap is now edited in the auto-deploy manifest on disk instead of relying on `kubectl patch` command (#814)
- refactor: add cmd subcommands in a single function call (#819, @moeryomenko)
- handle ready-log-messages by type and intent & check them in single log streams instead of checking whole chunks every time (#818)
### Fixes
- fix: config file check failing with env var expansion because unexpanded input file was checked
### Misc
- cleanup: ensure that connections/streams are closed once unused (#818)
- cleanup: split type definitions across multiple files to increase readability (#818)
- docs: clarify `node create` help text about cluster reference (#808, @losinggeneration)
- refactor: move from io/ioutil (deprecated) to io and os packages (#827, @Juneezee)
## v5.0.1
### Enhancement
- add `HostFromClusterNetwork` field to `LocalRegistryHosting` configmap as per KEP-1755 (#754)
### Fixes
- fix: nilpointer exception on failed exec process with no returned logreader
- make post-create cluster preparation (DNS stuff mostly) more resilient (#780)
- fix v1alpha2 -> v1alpha3 config migration (and other related issues) (#799)
### Misc
- docs: fix typo (#784)
- docs: fix usage of legacy `--k3s-agent/server-arg` flag
3 years ago
## v5.0.0
This release contains a whole lot of new features, breaking changes as well as smaller fixes and improvements.
The changelog shown here is likely not complete but gives a broad overview over the changes.
For more details, please check the v5 milestone (<>) or even the commit history.
The docs have been updated, so you should also find the information you need there, with more to come!
The demo repository has also been updated to work with k3d v5: <>.
**Info**: <> is now versioned, so you can checkout different versions of the documentation by using the dropdown menu in the page title bar!
**Feedback welcome!**
### Breaking Changes
- new syntax for nodefilters
- dropped the usage of square brackets `[]` for indexing, as it caused problems with some shells trying to interpret them
- new syntax: `@identifier[:index][:opt]` (see <>)
- example for a port-mapping: `--port 8080:80@server:0:proxy`
- identifier = `server`, index = `0`, opt = `proxy`
- `opt` is an extra optional argument used for different purposes depending on the flag
- currently, only the `--port` flag has `opt`s, namely `proxy` and `direct` (see other breaking change)
- port-mapping now go via the loadbalancer (serverlb) by default
- the `--port` flag has the `proxy` opt (see new nodefilter syntax above) set by default
- to leverage the old behavior of direct port-mappings, use the `direct` opt on the port flag
- the nodefilter `loadbalancer` will now do the same as `servers:*;agents:*` (proxied via the loadbalancer)
- flag `--registries-create` transformed from bool flag to string flag: let's you define the name and port-binding of the newly created registry, e.g. `--registry-create myregistry.localhost:5001`
3 years ago
### Fixes
- cleaned up and properly sorted the sanitization of existing resources used to create new nodes (#638)
### Features & Enhancements
- new command: `k3d node edit` to edit existing nodes (#615)
- currently only allows `k3d node edit NODE --port-add HOSTPORT:CONTAINERPORT` for the serverlb/loadbalancer to add new ports
- pkg: new `NodeEdit` function
- new (hidden) command: `k3d debug` with some options for debugging k3d resources (#638)
- e.g. `k3d debug loadbalancer get-config` to get the current loadbalancer configuration
- loadbalancer / k3d-proxy (#638)
- updated fork of `confd` to make usage of the file backend including a file watcher for auto-reloads
- this also checks the config before applying it, so the lb doesn't crash on a faulty config
- updating the loadbalancer writes the new config file and also checks if everything's going fine afterwards
- some settings of the loadbalancer can now be configured using `--lb-config-override`, see docs at <>
3 years ago
- helper images can now be set explicitly via environment variables: `K3D_IMAGE_LOADBALANCER` & `K3D_IMAGE_TOOLS` (#638)
- concurrently add new nodes to an existing cluster (remove some dumb code) (#640)
- `--wait` is now the default for `k3d node create`
- normalized flag usage for k3s and runtime (#598, @ejose19)
- rename `k3d cluster create --label` to `k3d cluster create --runtime-label` (as it's labelling the node on runtime level, e.g. docker)
- config option moved to `options.runtime.labels`
- add `k3d cluster create --k3s-node-label` to add Kubernetes node labels via k3s flag (#584, @developer-guy, @ejose, @dentrax)
- new config option `options.k3s.nodeLabels`
- the same for `k3d node create`
- improved config file handling (#605)
- new version `v1alpha3`
- warning when using outdated version
- validation dynamically based on provided config apiVersion
- new default for `k3d config init`
- new command `k3d config migrate INPUT [OUTPUT]` to migrate config files between versions
- currently supported migration `v1alpha2` -> `v1alpha3`
- pkg: new `Config` interface type to support new generic `FromViper` config file parsing
- changed flags `--k3s-server-arg` & `--k3s-agent-arg` into `--k3s-arg` with nodefilter support (#605)
- new config path `options.k3s.extraArgs`
- config file: environment variables (`$VAR`, `${VAR}` will be expanded unconditionally) (#643)
- docker context support (#601, @developer-guy & #674)
- Feature flag using the environment variable `K3D_FIX_DNS` and setting it to a true value (e.g. `export K3D_FIX_DNS=1`) to forward DNS queries to your local machine, e.g. to use your local company DNS
3 years ago
### Misc
- tests/e2e: timeouts everywhere to avoid killing DroneCI (#638)
- logs: really final output when creating/deleting nodes (so far, we were not outputting a final success message and the process was still doing stuff) (#640)
- tests/e2e: add tests for v1alpha2 to v1alpha3 migration
- docs: use v1alpha3 config version
- docs: update general appearance and cleanup
3 years ago
## v4.4.8
## Enhancements
- Improved DroneCI Pipeline for Multiarch Images and SemVer Tags (#712)
- **Important**: New images will not have the `v` prefix in the tag anymore!
- but now real releases will use the "hierarchical" SemVer tags, so you could e.g. subscribe to rancher/k3d-proxy:4 to get v4.x.x images for the proxy container
## Fixes
- clusterCreate: do not override hostIP if hostPort is missing (#693, @lukaszo)
- imageImport: import all listed images, not only the first one (#701, @mszostok)
- clusterCreate: when memory constraints are set, only pull the image used for checking the edac folder, if it's not present on the machine
- fix: update k3d-tools dependencies and use API Version Negotiation, so it still works with older versions of the Docker Engine (#679)
### Misc
- install script: add darwin/arm64 support (#676, @colelawrence)
- docs: fix go install command (#677, @Rots)
- docs: add project overview (<>) (#680)
## v4.4.7
### Features / Enhancements
- new flag: `k3d image import --keep-tools` to not delete the tools node container after importing the image(s) (#672)
- improve image name handling when importing images (#653, @cimnine)
- normalize image names internally, e.g. strip prefixes that docker adds, but that break the process
- see <> for more info
### Fixes
- Use default gateway, when bridge network doesn't have it (#666, @kuritka)
- Start an existing, but not running tools node to re-use it when importing an image (#672)
### Misc
- deps: switching back to upstream viper including the StringArray fix
- docs: reference to "nolar/setup-k3d-k3s" step for GitHub Actions (#668, @nolar)
- docs: updated and simplified CUDA guide (#662, @vainkop) (#669)
## v4.4.6
### Fixes
- fix an issue where the cluster creation would stall waiting for the `starting worker processes` log message from the loadbalancer/serverlb
- this was likely caused by a rounding issue when asking docker to get the container logs starting at a specific timestamp
- we now drop subsecond precision for this to avoid the rounding issue, which was confirmed to work
- see issues #592 & #621
### Misc
- to debug the issue mentioned above, we introduced a new environment variable `K3D_LOG_NODE_WAIT_LOGS`, which can be set to a list of node roles (e.g. `K3D_LOG_NODE_WAIT_LOGS=loadbalancer,agent`) to output the container logs that k3d inspects
3 years ago
## v4.4.5
### Fixes
- overall: use the getDockerClient helper function everywhere to e.g. support docker via ssh everywhere
- nodeCreate: do not copy meminfo/edac volume mounts from existing nodes, to avoid conflicts with generated mounts
- kubeconfig: fix file handling on windows (#626 + #628, @dragonflylee)
### Misc
- docs: add [FAQ entry]( on nf_conntrack_max: permission denied issue from kube-proxy (#607)
- docs: cleanup, fix formatting, etc.
- license: update to include 2021 in time range
- docs: link to AutoK3s (#614, @JacieChao)
- tests/e2e: update the list of tested k3s versions
## v4.4.4
### Enhancements
- nodes created via `k3d node create` now inherit the registry config from existing nodes (if there is any) (#597)
- the cgroupv2 hotfix (custom entrypoint script) is now enabled by default (#603)
- disable by setting the environment variable `K3D_FIX_CGROUPV2=false`
### Fixes
- fix using networks without IPAM config (e.g. `host`)
### Misc
- docs: edit links on now point to the correct branch (`main`)
- docs: new FAQ entry on spurious PID entries when using shared mounts (#609, @leelavg)
## v4.4.3
### Highlights
- cgroupv2 support: to properly work on cgroupv2 systems, k3s has to move all the processes from the root cgroup to a new /init cgroup and enable subtree_control
- this is going to be included in the k3s agent code directly (<>)
- for now we're overriding the container entrypoint with a script that does this (#579, compare <>)
- thanks a lot for all the input and support @AkihiroSuda
- **Usage**: set the environment variable `K3D_FIX_CGROUPV2` to a `true` value before/when creating a cluster with k3d
- e.g. `export K3D_FIX_CGROUPV2=1`
### Fixes
- fix: docker volume not mountable due to validation failure
- was not able to mount named volume on windows as we're checking for `:` meant for drive-letters and k3d separators
### Misc
- fix create command's flags typo (#568, @Jason-ZW)
## v4.4.2
### Fixes
- k3d-proxy: rename udp upstreams to avoid collisions/duplicates (#564)
### Features
- add *hidden* command `k3d runtime-info` used for debugging (#553)
- this comes with some additions on package/runtime level
- add *experimental* `--subnet` flag to get some k3d IPAM to ensure that server nodes keep static IPs across restarts (#560)
### Misc
- docs: fix typo (#556, @gcalmettes)
- docs: fix typo (#561, @alechartung)
- ci/drone: pre-release on `-dev.X` tags
- ci/drone: always build no matter the branch name (just not release)
- docs: add automatic command tree generation via cobra (#562)
- makefile: use `go env gopath` as install target for tools (as per #445)
- JSONSchema: add some examples and defaults (now also available via <> in your IDE)
## v4.4.1
### Fixes
- use viper fork that contains a fix to make cobra's `StringArray` flags work properly
- this fixes the issue, that flag values containing commas got split (because we had to use `StringSlice` type flags)
- this is to be changed back to upstream viper as soon as <> (or a similar fix) got merged
4 years ago
## v4.4.0
### Features / Enhancements
- Support for Memory Limits using e.g. `--servers-memory 1g` or `--agents-memory 1.5g` (#494, @konradmalik)
- enabled by providing fake `meminfo` files
### Fixes
- fix absolute paths in volume mounts on Windows (#510, @markrexwinkel)
### Documentation
- clarify registry names in docs and help text
- add usage section about config file (#534)
- add FAQ entry on certificate error when running behind corporate proxy
- add MacPorts install instructions (#539, @herbygillot)
- Heal Shruggie: Replace amputated arm (#540, @claycooper)
4 years ago
## v4.3.0
### Features / Enhancements
- Use Go 1.16
- update dependencies, including kubernetes, docker, containerd and more
- add `darwin/arm64` (Apple Silicon, M1) build target (#530)
- use the new `//go:embed` feature to directly embed the jsonschema in the binary (#529)
- Add a status column to `k3d registry list` output (#496, @ebr)
- Allow non-prefixed (i.e. without `k3d-` prefix) user input when fetching resources (e.g. `k3d node get mycluster-server-0` would return successfully)
### Fixes
- Allow absolute paths for volumes on Windows (#510, @markrexwinkel)
- fix nil-pointer exception in case of non-existent IPAM network config
- Properly handle combinations of host/hostIP in kubeAPI settings reflected in the kubeconfig (#500, @fabricev)
### Misc
- docs: fix typo in stop command help text (#513, @searsaw)
- ci/ghaction: AUR (pre-)release now on Ubuntu 20.04 and latest archlinux image
- REMOVE incomplete and unused `containerd` runtime from codebase, as it was causing issues to build for windows and hasn't made any progress in quite some time now
4 years ago
## v4.2.0
### Features / Enhancements
- add processing step for cluster config, to configure it e.g. for hostnetwork mode (#477, @konradmalik)
- allow proxying UDP ports via the load balancer (#488, @k0da)
### Fixes
- fix usage of `DOCKER_HOST` env var for Kubeconfig server ref (trim port)
- fix error when trying to attach the same node (e.g. registry) to the same network twice (#486, @kuritka)
- fix Kube-API settings in configg file got overwritten (#490, @dtomasi)
### Misc
- add `k3d.version` label to created resources
- add Pull-Request template
- docs: add hint on minimal requirements for multi-server clusters (#481, @Filius-Patris)
## v4.1.1
### Fixes
- fix: `--k3s-server-arg` and `--k3s-agent-arg` didn't work (Viper StringArray incompatibility) (#482)
## v4.1.0
4 years ago
### Highlights
4 years ago
#### :scroll: Configuration Enhancements
4 years ago
- :snake: use [viper]( for configuration management
- takes over the job of properly fetching and merging config options from
- CLI arguments/flags
- environment variables
- config file
- this also fixes some issues with using the config file (like cobra defaults overriding config file values)
4 years ago
- :heavy_check_mark: add JSON-Schema validation for the `Simple` config file schema
- :new: config version `` (some naming changes)
- `exposeAPI` -> `kubeAPI`
- `options.k3d.noRollback` -> `options.k3d.disableRollback`
- `options.k3d.prepDisableHostIPInjection` -> `options.k3d.disableHostIPInjection`
4 years ago
#### :computer: Docker over SSH
- Support Docker over SSH (#324, @ekristen & @inercia)
### Features & Enhancements
4 years ago
- add root flag `--timestamps` to enable timestamped logs
- improved multi-server cluster support (#467)
- log a warning, if one tries to create a cluster with only 2 nodes (no majority possible, no fault tolerance)
- revamped cluster start procedure: init-node, sorted servers, agents, helpers
- different log messages per role and start-place (that we wait for to consider a node to be ready)
- module: `NodeStartOpts` now accept a `ReadyLogMessage` and `NodeState` now takes a `Started` timestamp string
4 years ago
### Fixes
- do not ignore `--no-hostip` flag and don't inject hostip if `--network=host` (#471, @konradmalik)
- fix: `--no-lb` ignored
- fix: print error cause when serverlb fails to start
4 years ago
### Misc
- tests/e2e: add config override test
4 years ago
- tests/e2e: add multi server start-stop cycle test
- tests/e2e: improved logs with stage and test details.
- builds&tests: use Docker 20.10 and BuildKit everywhere
4 years ago
- :memo: docs: add <> (GitHub Action) as a related project (#476, @kuritka)
4 years ago
### Tested with
- E2E Tests ran with k3s versions
- v1.17.17-k3s1 (see Known Issues below)
- v1.18.15-k3s1 (see Known Issues below)
- v1.19.7-k3s1
- v1.20.2-k3s1
### Known Issues
- automatic multi-server cluster restarts tend to fail with k3s versions v1.17.x & v1.18.x and probably earlier versions (using dqlite)
4 years ago
- Using Viper brings us lots of nice features, but also one problem:
- We had to switch StringArray flags to StringSlice flags, which
- allow to use multiple flag values comma-separated in a single flag, but also
- split flag values that contain a comma into separate parts (and we cannot handle issues that arise due to this)
- so if you rely on commas in your flag values (e.g. for `--env X=a,b,c`), please consider filing an issue or supporting <> and <>
- `--env X=a,b,c` would be treated the same as `--env X=a`, `--env b`, `--env c`
4 years ago
## v4.0.0
### Breaking Changes
#### Module
**If you're using k3d as a Go module, please have a look into the code to see all the changes!**
- We're open for chats via Slack or GitHub discussions
- Module is now on `` due to lots of breaking changes
- `pkg/cluster` is now `pkg/client`
- `ClusterCreate` and `NodeCreate` don't start the entities (containers) anymore
- `ClusterRun` and `NodeRun` orchestrate the new Create and Start functionality
- `NodeDelete`/`ClusterDelete` now take an additional `NodeDeleteOpts`/`ClusterDeleteOpts` struct to toggle specific steps
- NodeSpec now features a list of networks (required for registries)
4 years ago
- New config flow: CLIConfig (SimpleConfig) -> ClusterConfig -> Cluster + Opts
#### CLI
- Some flags changed to also use `noun-action` syntax
- e.g. `--switch-context --update-default-kubeconfig` -> `--kubeconfig-switch-context --kubeconfig-update-default`
- this eases grouping and visibility
### Changes
#### Features
- **Registry Support**
4 years ago
- k3d-managed registry like we had it in k3d v1.x
- Option 1: default settings, paired with cluster creation
- `k3d cluster create --registry-create` -> New registry for that cluster
- `k3d cluster create --registry-use` -> Re-use existing registry
- Option 2: customized, managed stand-alone
- `k3d registry [create/start/stop/delete]`
- Check the documentation, help text and tutorials for more details
- Communicate managed registry using the LocalRegistryHostingV1 spec from [KEP-1755](
- interesting especially for tools that reload images, like Tilt or Skaffold
4 years ago
- **Config File Support**
4 years ago
- Put all your CLI-Arguments/Flags into a more readable config file and re-use it everywhere (keep it in your repo)
- Note: this is not always a 1:1 matching in naming/syntax/semantics
- `k3d cluster create --config myconfig.yaml`
kind: Simple
name: mycluster
servers: 3
agents: 2
- port: 8080:80
- loadbalancer
- Check out our test cases in [pkg/config/test_assets/](./pkg/config/test_assets/) for more config file examples
- **Note**: The config file format (& feature) might still be a little rough around the edges and it's prone to change quickly until we hit a stable release of the config
4 years ago
- [WIP] Support for Lifecycle Hooks
- Run any executable at specific stages during the cluster and node lifecycles
- e.g. we modify the `registries.yaml` in the `preStart` stage of nodes
- Guides will follow
- Print container creation time (#431, @inercia)
- add output formats for `cluster ls` and `node ls` (#439, @inercia)
#### Fixes
- import image: avoid nil pointer exception in specific cases
- cluster delete: properly handle node and network (#437)
- --port: fix bnil-pointer exception when exposing port on non-existent loadbalancer
- completion/zsh: source completion file
4 years ago
#### Misc
- Now building with Go 1.15
- same for the k3d-tools code
- updated dependencies (including Docker v20.10)
- tests/e2e: add `E2E_INCLUDE` and rename `E2E_SKIP` to `E2E_EXCLUDE`
- tests/e2e: allow overriding the Helper Image Tag via `E2E_HELPER_IMAGE_TAG`
- docs: spell checking (#434, @jsoref)
- docs: add Chocolatey install option (#443, @erwinkersten)