Little helper to run CNCF's k3s in Docker
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# Project Overview
## About This Page
On this page we'll try to give an overview of all the moving bits and pieces in k3d to ease contributions to the project.
## Directory Overview
- [`.github/`](
- templates for issues and pull requests
- GitHub Action workflow definitions
- [`cmd/`](
- everything related to the actual k3d CLI, like the whole command tree, config initialization, argument parsing, etc.
- [`docgen/`](
- sub-module used to auto-generate the documentation for the CLI commands, which ends up in [`docs/usage/commands/`](
- [`docs/`](
- all the resources used to build []( using mkdocs
- [`pkg/`](<>)
- the place where the magic happens.. here you find all the main logic of k3d
- all function calls within [`cmd/`]( that do non-trivial things are imported from here
- this (or rather sub-packages) is what other projects would import as a module to work with k3d without using the CLI
- [`proxy/`](
- configuration to build the [`rancher/k3d-proxy`]( container image which is used as a loadbalancer/proxy in front of (almost) every k3d cluster
- this is basically just a combination of NGINX with confd and some k3d-specific configuration details
- [`tests/`](
- a set of bash scripts used for end-to-end (E2E) tests of k3d
- mostly used for all the functionality of the k3d CLI which cannot be tested using Go unit tests
- [`tools/`](
- sub-module used to build the [`rancher/k3d-tools`]( container image which supports some k3d functionality like `k3d image import`
- [`vendor/`](
- result of `go mod vendor`, which contains all dependencies of k3d
- [`version/`](
- package used to code k3d/k3s versions into releases
- this is where `go build` injects the version tags when building k3d
- that's the output you see when issuing `k3d version`
## Packages Overview
- [`pkg/`](
- [`actions/`](
- hook actions describing actions (commands, etc.) that run at specific stages of the node/cluster lifecycle
- e.g. writing configuration files to the container filesystem just before the node (container) starts
- [`client/`](
- all the top level functionality to work with k3d primitives
- create/retrieve/update/delete/start/stop clusters, nodes, registries, etc. managed by k3d
- [`config/`](
- everything related to the k3d configuration (files), like `SimpleConfig` and `ClusterConfig`
- [`runtimes/`](
- interface and implementations of runtimes that power k3d (currently, that's only Docker)
- functions in [`client/`]( eventually call runtime functions to "materialize" nodes and clusters
- [`tools/`](
- functions eventually calling the [`k3d-tools`]( container (see [`tools/`]( in the repo root)
- [`types/`](
- definition of all k3d primitives and many other details and defaults
- e.g. contains the definition of a `Node` or a `Cluster` in k3d
- [`util/`](
- some helper functions e.g. for string manipulation/generation, regexp or other re-usable usages
## Anatomy of a Cluster
By default, every k3d cluster consists of at least 2 containers (nodes):
1. (optional, but default and strongly recommended) loadbalancer
- image: [`rancher/k3d-proxy`](, built from [`proxy/`](
- purpose: proxy and load balance requests from the outside (i.e. most of the times your local host) to the cluster
- by default, it e.g. proxies all the traffic for the Kubernetes API to port `6443` (default listening port of K3s) to all the server nodes in the cluster
- can be used for multiple port-mappings to one or more nodes in your cluster
- that way, port-mappings can also easily be added/removed after the cluster creation, as we can simply re-create the proxy without affecting cluster state
2. (required, always present) primary server node
- image: [`rancher/k3s`](, built from [``](
- purpose: (initializing) server (formerly: master) node of the cluster
- runs the K3s executable (which runs containerd, the Kubernetes API Server, etcd/sqlite, etc.): `k3s server`
- in a multi-server setup, it initializes the cluster with an embedded etcd database (using the K3s `--cluster-init` flag)
3. (optional) secondary server node(s)
- image: [`rancher/k3s`](, built from [``](
4. (optional) agent node(s)
- image: [`rancher/k3s`](, built from [``](
- purpose: running the K3s agent process (kubelet, etc.): `k3s agent`
## Automation (CI)
The k3d repository mainly leverages the following two CI systems:
- GitHub Actions
- 2 workflows in <> to push the artifact to AUR (Arch Linux User Repository)
- logs/history can be seen in the Actions tab: <>
- DroneCI
- a set of pipelines in a single file: <>
- static code analysis
- build
- tests
- docker builds + pushes
- render + push docs
- (pre-) release to GitHub
- `push` events end up here (also does the releases, when a tag is pushed): <>
- `pr`s end up here: <>
## Documentation
The website []( containing all the documentation for k3d is built using [`mkdocs`](, configured via the [`mkdocs.yml`]( config file with all the content residing in the [`docs/`]( directory (Markdown).
Use `mkdocs serve` in the repository root to build and serve the webpage locally.
Some parts of the documentation are being auto-generated, like [`docs/usage/commands/`]( is auto-generated using Cobra's command docs generation functionality in [`docgen/`](