Little helper to run CNCF's k3s in Docker
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# Thoughts
## commands
### `create`
|- create
| |- cluster [NAME ] [flags]
| |- node [NAME ] [flags]
|- delete
| |- cluster [NAME ] [flags]
| |- node [NAME ] [flags]
|- get
| |- cluster
| |- node
|- start
| |- cluster
| |- node
|- stop
| |- cluster
| |- node
## Overview
- `cmd/`: everything around the CLI of k3d = human interface, printed output (e.g. list of clusters)
- `pkg/`: everything else, can be used as a module from other Go projects
- `cluster/`: everything around managing cluster components
- `runtimes/`: translate k3d types (node, cluster, etc.) to container runtime specific types and manage them
- `types/`: collection of types (structs) and constants used by k3d
- `util/`: utilities, that could be used for everything, not directly related to the project
## k3d <-> runtime
k3d _should_ work with more than one runtime, if we can implement the Runtime interface for it.
Here's how k3d types should translate to a runtime type:
- `cluster` = set of _containers_ running in the same _network_, maybe mounting the same _volume(s)_
- `node` = _container_ with _exposed ports_ and _volume mounts_
### docker
#### node -> container
`container = ""`
`network = ""`
- Name -> container.Hostname = node.Name
- Role -> container.Labels["k3d.role"] = node.Role
- Image -> container.Image = node.Image
- Volumes -> container.HostConfig.PortBindings
- Env ->
- Args ->
- Ports ->
- Restart ->
- Labels -> container.Labels
## expose ports / volumes => DONE
- `--port [host:]port[:containerPort][/protocol][@group_identifier[[index] | @node_identifier]`
- Examples:
- `--port` -> whole group
- `--port 80@workers[0]` -> single instance of group by list index
- `--port 80@workers[0,2-3]` -> multiple instances of a group by index lists and ranges
- `--port 80@k3d-test-worker-0` -> single instance by specific node identifier
- `--port 80@k3d-test-master-0@workers[1-5]` -> multiple instances by combination of node and group identifiers
- analogous for volumes
## multi master setup => WIP
- if `--masters` > 1 deploy a load-balancer in front of them as an extra container
- consider that in the kubeconfig file and `--tls-san`
- make this the default, but provide a `--no-lb` flag
## Store additional created stuff in labels => DONE
- when creating a cluster, usually, you also create a new docker network (and maybe other resources)
- store a reference to those in the container labels of cluster nodes
- when deleting the cluster, parse the labels, deduplicate the results and delete the additional resources
- DONE for network
- new labels `<ID>` and `<true|false>` (determine whether to try to delete it when you delete a cluster, since network may have been created manually)
# Comparison to k3d v1
- k3d
- check-tools
- shell
- --name
- --command
- --shell
- auto, bash, zsh
- create -> `k3d create cluster CLUSTERNAME`
- --name -> y
- --volume -> y
- --port -> y
- --api-port -> y
- --wait
- --image -> y
- --server-arg -> y
- --agent-arg -> y
- --env
- --workers -> y
- --auto-restart
- (add-node) -> `k3d create node NODENAME`
- --role
- --name
- --count
- --image
- --arg
- --env
- --volume
- --k3s
- --k3s-secret
- --k3s-token
- delete -> `k3d delete cluster CLUSTERNAME`
- --name
- --all
- stop -> `k3d stop cluster CLUSTERNAME`
- --name
- --all
- start -> `k3d start cluster CLUSTERNAME`
- --name
- --all
- list
- get-kubeconfig -> `k3d get kubeconfig CLUSTERNAME`
- --name -> y
- --all
- import-images -> `k3d load image [--cluster CLUSTERNAME] [--keep] IMAGES`
- --name -> y
- --no-remove -> y
- k3d
- create
- cluster NAME
- --api-port
- --datastore-cafile
- --datastore-certfile
- --datastore-endpoint
- --datastore-keyfile
- --datastore-network
- --image
- --k3s-agent-arg
- --k3s-server-arg
- --lb-port
- --masters
- --network
- --no-lb
- --port
- --secret
- --volume
- --workers
- node NAME
- --cluster
- --image
- --replicas
- --role
- delete
- cluster NAME
- --all
- node NAME
- --all
- get
- cluster NAME
- --no-headers
- node NAME
- --no-headers
- kubeconfig NAME
- --output
- start
- cluster NAME
- --all
- node NAME
- stop
- cluster NAME
- --all
- node NAME
## tools
- maybe rename `k3d load` to `k3d tools` and add tool cmds there?
- e.g. `k3d tools import-images`
- let's you set tools container version
- `k3d tools --image k3d-tools:v2 import-images`
- add `k3d create --image-vol NAME` flag to re-use existing image volume
- will add `k3d.volumes.imagevolume.external: true` label to nodes
- should not be deleted with cluster
- possibly add `k3d create volume` and `k3d create network` to create external networks?
## extra commands
- `k3d prune` to prune all dangling resources
- nodes, volumes, networks
## use OCI
- [](
- move node -> container translation out of runtime
## node configuration comparison
- master node(s)
- if num_masters > 1 && no external datastore configured
- k3d default -> `/output/kubeconfig.yaml`
- `--https-listen-port`
- can/should be left default (unset = 6443), since we handle it via port mapping
- `--tls-san=<some-ip-or-hostname>`
- get from `--api-port` k3d flag and/or from docker machine
- Runtime Configuration
- nothing special
- all nodes
- `K3S_TOKEN` for node authentication
- nothing special
- Runtime Configuration
- Volumes
- shared image volume
- cluster-specific (create cluster) or inherit from existing (create node)
- tmpfs for k3s to work properly
- `/run`
- `/var/run`
- Capabilities/Security Context
- `privileged`
- Network
- cluster network or external/inherited
- worker nodes
- `K3S_URL` to connect to master node
- server hostname + port (6443)
- cluster-specific or inherited
- nothing special
- Runtime Configuration
- nothing special
## Features
- remove/add nodes -> needs to remove line in `/var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/cred/node-passwd` for the deleted node