Little helper to run CNCF's k3s in Docker
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# Using Podman instead of Docker
Podman has an [Docker API compatibility layer]( k3d uses the Docker API and is compatible with Podman v4 and higher.
!!! important "Podman support is experimental"
k3d is not guaranteed to work with Podman. If you find a bug, do help by [filing an issue](
## Using Podman
Ensure the Podman system socket is available:
sudo systemctl enable --now podman.socket
# or sudo podman system service --time=0
To point k3d at the right Docker socket, create a symbolic link:
sudo ln -s /run/podman/podman.sock /var/run/docker.sock
# or install your system podman-docker if available
sudo k3d cluster create
Alternatively, set `DOCKER_HOST` when running k3d:
export DOCKER_HOST=unix:///run/podman/podman.sock
export DOCKER_SOCK=/run/podman/podman.sock
sudo --preserve-env=DOCKER_HOST --preserve-env=DOCKER_SOCK k3d cluster create
### Using rootless Podman
Ensure the Podman user socket is available:
systemctl --user enable --now podman.socket
# or podman system service --time=0
Set `DOCKER_HOST` when running k3d:
XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR:-/run/user/$(id -u)}
export DOCKER_HOST=unix://$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/podman/podman.sock
export DOCKER_SOCK=$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/podman/podman.sock
k3d cluster create
### Using remote Podman
[Start Podman on the remote host](, and then set `DOCKER_HOST` when running k3d:
export DOCKER_HOST=ssh://username@hostname
export DOCKER_SOCK=/run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock
k3d cluster create
## Creating local registries
Because Podman does not have a default "bridge" network, you have to specify a network using the `--default-network` flag when creating a local registry:
k3d registry create --default-network podman mycluster-registry
To use this registry with a cluster, pass the `--registry-use` flag:
k3d cluster create --registry-use mycluster-registry mycluster
!!! note "Incompatibility with `--registry-create`"
Because `--registry-create` assumes the default network to be "bridge", avoid `--registry-create` when using Podman. Instead, always create a registry before creating a cluster.
!!! note "Missing cpuset cgroup controller"
If you experince an error regarding missing cpuset cgroup controller, ensure the user unit `xdg-document-portal.service` is disabled by running `systemctl --user stop xdg-document-portal.service`. See [this issue](