Little helper to run CNCF's k3s in Docker
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# Creating multi-server clusters
!!! info "Important note"
For the best results (and less unexpected issues), choose 1, 3, 5, ... server nodes. (Read more on etcd quorum on [](
At least 2 cores and 4GiB of RAM are recommended.
## Embedded etcd
Create a cluster with 3 server nodes using k3s' embedded etcd database.
The first server to be created will use the `--cluster-init` flag and k3d will wait for it to be up and running before creating (and connecting) the other server nodes.
k3d cluster create multiserver --servers 3
!!! info "Restarting cluster may fail"
When you restart the cluster, each node's IP (meaning the underlying container's IP) could change. In this
situation, a node might fail to join the existing cluster and consequently fail to start. To address this,
you can use the experimental IPAM (IP Address Management) feature to assign each container a static IP.
To enable this, create the cluster with the `--subnet auto` or `--subnet`
(or whatever subnet you need) flags. With `--subnet auto`, k3d will create a fake docker network
to get an available subnet.
See the relavent issue [#550]( for more details.
## Adding server nodes to a running cluster
In theory (and also in practice in most cases), this is as easy as executing the following command:
k3d node create newserver --cluster multiserver --role server
!!! important "There's a trap!"
If your cluster was initially created with only a single server node, then this will fail.
That's because the initial server node was not started with the `--cluster-init` flag and thus is not using the etcd backend.