Ansible playbook for configuring a fresh install of Raspbian
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# Raspberry Pi Ansible
Glenn K. Lockwood, October 2018
## Introduction
This is an Ansible configuration that configures a fresh Raspbian installation
on Raspberry Pi. It is intended to be run in local (pull) mode, where ansible
is running on the same Raspberry Pi to be configured.
## Bootstrapping on Raspbian
You will need ansible installed on the Raspberry Pi being configured. This
playbook relies on Ansible 2.8 or newer, which means you can no longer use
`sudo apt-get install ansible`. Instead, you must
$ python3 -m venv --system-site-packages ansible_env
$ source ./ansible_env/bin/activate
# Make sure that pip will install into our virtualenv
(ansible_env) $ which pip
# Install ansible and any other requirements
(ansible_env) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
Note that the Python 3.5 that ships with Debian 9.13 doesn't install pip when
`-m venv` is used as above. It may be easier to simply use
$ pip3 install --user ansible
which pollutes your login Python environment, but is better than nothing.
## Configuration
The `macaddrs` structure in _roles/common/vars/main.yml_ maps the MAC address of
a Raspberry Pi to its intended configuration state. Add your Raspberry Pi's MAC
address (specifically for `eth0` if your RPi has multiple NICs) to that
structure and set its configuration accordingly.
To add local users, create and edit `roles/common/vars/users.yml`. Follow the
structure in `roles/common/vars/users.yml.example`. You can/should
`ansible-vault` this file.
## Running the playbook
Then run the playbook:
(ansible_env) $ ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass --become --become-user root --ask-become-pass ./local.yml
The playbook will self-discover its settings, then idempotently configure the
Raspberry Pi.
## After running the playbook
This playbook purposely requires a few manual steps _after_ running the playbook
to ensure that it does not lock you out of your Raspberry Pi.
1. While logged in as pi, `sudo passwd glock` (or whatever username you created)
to set a password for that user. This is _not_ required to log in as that
user, but it _is_ required to `sudo` as that user. You may also choose to
set a password for the pi and/or root users.
2. `usermod --lock pi` to ensure that the default user is completely disabled.
## Optional configurations
### SSH host keys
This playbook can install ssh host keys. To do so,
1. Drop the appropriate `ssh_host_*_key` files into `roles/common/files/etc/ssh/`
2. Rename each file from `ssh_host_*_key` to `ssh_host_*_key.hostname` where
`hostname` matches the `hostname` in `roles/common/vars/main.yml` to which
the hostkey should be deployed
3. `ansible-vault encrypt roles/common/files/etc/ssh/ssh_host_*_key.*`
4. Add these files to `roles/common/vars/main.yml`
The format expected in `roles/common/vars/main.yml` is something like
hostname: "cloverdale"
# ...
- etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.cloverdale
- etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key.cloverdale
- etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key.cloverdale
- etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key.cloverdale
### Remote mode
The playbooks can also be run in a traditional remote mode:
$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass --ask-vault-pass --inventory hosts.remote ./remote.yml
At present this does _not_ make use of hostvars; this is because the playbook
started out designed to be run against localhost and the playbook
self-identifies the system and fetches configuration variables from
`roles/common/vars/main.yml` based on that.
## Acknowledgment
I stole a lot of knowledge from