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# babylon-walk
Lightweight AST traversal tools for [Babylon] ASTs.
Babylon is the parser used by the [Babel] project, which supplies the wonderful [babel-traverse] module for walking Babylon ASTs. Problem is, babel-traverse is very heavyweight, as it is designed to supply utilities to make all sorts of AST transformations possible. For simple AST walking without transformation, babel-traverse brings a lot of overhead.
This module loosely implements the API of Acorn parser's [walk module], which is a lightweight AST walker for the ESTree AST format.
In my tests, babylon-walk's ancestor walker (the most complex walker provided by this module) is about 8 times faster than babel-traverse, if the visitors are cached and the same AST is used for all runs. It is about 16 times faster if a fresh AST is used every run.
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[walk module]:
## Installation
$ npm install babylon-walk
## API
var walk = require('babylon-walk');
### walk.simple(node, visitors, state)
Do a simple walk over the AST. `node` should be the AST node to walk, and `visitors` an object containing Babel [visitors]. Each visitor function will be called as `(node, state)`, where `node` is the AST node, and `state` is the same `state` passed to `walk.simple`.
When `walk.simple` is called with a fresh set of visitors, it will first "explode" the visitors (e.g. expanding `Visitor(node, state) {}` to `Visitor() { enter(node, state) {} }`). This exploding process can take some time, so it is recommended to [cache your visitors] and communicate state leveraging the `state` parameter. (One difference between the linked article and babylon-walk is that the state is only accessible through the `state` variable, never as `this`.)
All [babel-types] aliases (e.g. `Expression`) and the union syntax (e.g. `'Identifier|AssignmentPattern'(node, state) {}`) work.
### walk.ancestor(node, visitors, state)
Do a simple walk over the AST, but memoizing the ancestors of the node and making them available to the visitors. `node` should be the AST node to walk, and `visitors` an object containing Babel [visitors]. Each visitor function will be called as `(node, state, ancestors)`, where `node` is the AST node, `state` is the same `state` passed to `walk.ancestor`, and `ancestors` is an array of ancestors to the node (with the outermost node being `[0]` and the current node being `[ancestors.length - 1]`). If `state` is not specified in the call to `walk.ancestor`, the `state` parameter will be set to `ancestors`.
When `walk.ancestor` is called with a fresh set of visitors, it will first "explode" the visitors (e.g. expanding `Visitor(node, state) {}` to `Visitor() { enter(node, state) {} }`). This exploding process can take some time, so it is recommended to [cache your visitors] and communicate state leveraging the `state` parameter. (One difference between the linked article and babylon-walk is that the state is only accessible through the `state` variable, never as `this`.)
All [babel-types] aliases (e.g. `Expression`) and the union syntax (e.g. `'Identifier|AssignmentPattern'(node, state) {}`) work.
### walk.recursive(node, visitors, state)
Do a recursive walk over the AST, where the visitors are responsible for continuing the walk on the child nodes of their target node. `node` should be the AST node to walk, and `visitors` an object containing Babel [visitors]. Each visitor function will be called as `(node, state, c)`, where `node` is the AST node, `state` is the same `state` passed to `walk.recursive`, and `c` is a function that takes a single node as argument and continues walking _that_ node. If no visitor for a node is provided, the default walker algorithm will still be used.
When `walk.recursive` is called with a fresh set of visitors, it will first "explode" the visitors (e.g. expanding `Visitor(node, state) {}` to `Visitor() { enter(node, state) {} }`). This exploding process can take some time, so it is recommended to [cache your visitors] and communicate state leveraging the `state` parameter. (One difference between the linked article and babylon-walk is that the state is only accessible through the `state` variable, never as `this`.)
Unlike other babylon-walk walkers, `walk.recursive` does not call the `exit` visitor, only the `enter` (the default) visitor, of a specific node type.
All [babel-types] aliases (e.g. `Expression`) and the union syntax (e.g. `'Identifier|AssignmentPattern'(node, state) {}`) work.
In the following example, we are trying to count the number of functions in the outermost scope. This means, that we can simply walk all the statements and increment a counter if it is a function declaration or expression, and then stop walking. Note that we do not specify a visitor for the `Program` node, and the default algorithm for walking `Program` nodes is used (which is what we want). Also of note is how I bring the `visitors` object outside of `countFunctions` so that the object can be cached to improve performance.
import * as t from 'babel-types';
import {parse} from 'babylon';
import * as walk from 'babylon-walk';
const visitors = {
Statement(node, state, c) {
if (t.isVariableDeclaration(node)) {
for (let declarator of node.declarations) {
// Continue walking the declarator
} else if (t.isFunctionDeclaration(node)) {
VariableDeclarator(node, state) {
if (t.isFunction(node.init)) {
function countFunctions(node) {
const state = {
counter: 0,
walk.recursive(node, visitors, state);
return state.counter;
const ast = parse(`
// Counts
var a = () => {};
// Counts
function b() {
// Doesn't count
function c() {
// Counts
const c = function d() {};
// = 3
### walk.traverse(node, visitors, state)
Visitors get called as `(path, state)`. Every `Path` has these methods (similar to `@babel/traverse`):
- `skip()`
- `replaceWith(node)`
- `remove()`
[cache your visitors]:
## Caveat
For those of you migrating from Acorn to Babylon, there are a few things to be aware of.
1. The visitor caching suggestions do not apply to Acorn's walk module, but do for babylon-walk.
2. babylon-walk does not provide any of the other functions Acorn's walk module provides (e.g. `make`, `findNode*`).
3. babylon-walk does not use a `base` variable. The walker algorithm is the same as what babel-traverse uses.
- That means certain nodes that are not walked by Acorn, such as the `property` property of a non-computed `MemberExpression`, are walked by babylon-walk.
## License