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# [postcss][postcss]-reduce-initial
> Reduce `initial` definitions to the _actual_ initial value, where possible.
## Install
With [npm]( do:
npm install postcss-reduce-initial --save
## Examples
See the [data](data) for more conversions. This data is courtesy
of Mozilla.
### Convert `initial` values
When the `initial` keyword is longer than the property value, it will
be converted:
#### Input
h1 {
min-width: initial;
#### Output
h1 {
min-width: 0;
### Convert values back to `initial`
When the `initial` value is smaller than the property value, it will
be converted:
#### Input
h1 {
transform-box: border-box;
#### Output
h1 {
transform-box: initial;
This conversion is only applied when you supply a browsers list that all support
the `initial` keyword; it's worth noting that Internet Explorer has no support.
## API
### reduceInitial([options])
#### options
##### ignore
Type: `Array<String>`
Default: `undefined`
It contains the Array of properties that will be ignored while reducing its value to initial.
Example : `{ ignore : ["min-height"] }`
## Usage
See the [PostCSS documentation]( for
examples for your environment.
## Contributors
See [](
## License
[Template:CSSData] by Mozilla Contributors is licensed under [CC-BY-SA 2.5].
[cc-by-sa 2.5]:
MIT © [Ben Briggs](